Chapter 19

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“You have got to be lying. It can't be true,” Amy said defensively after hearing everything, crossing her arms over her chest as her eyes teared up. “I can’t be a murderer!”

Sierra softened her gaze. “Amy, no. You are not a murderer. Why would you even think such a thing?”

Amy turned away, trying to hide her tears. “I’m not a murderer? Are you seriously saying that? I killed my parents!! I killed someone, who, as you all say, was one of my best friends! And I made a deal with their murderer? What does that make me? No less than a murderer, that is!”

Sam moved closer to her, his hand reaching out to enclose one of hers. “No, Amy,” he rebutted her softly, “it was never your fault. All of this, everything you went through, it was not because of you. It was all me. It was because of the mate I was to you. Because I did not think how unfair it was to bring you into my world and leave you there to fend for yourself. It was because I was too selfish, always thinking about myself, to actually bother helping you,” he confessed.

Amy frowned. “Firstly, don’t blame yourself for what I did. No one else deserves to take the blame of what my horrid actions did. Secondly, stop acting so sweet,” she chided him angrily.

Her eyes narrowed and she snatched her hand away. “I remember what you did. That was one of the first few memories that returned to me. I know exactly what happened to me that day and honestly, I don’t know if I can even forgive you for that.”

He tried to interrupt, but she put a hand up, stopping him before she continued her rant, “You say you were too selfish. You said you shouldn’t have done that to me. Then, why didn’t you stop it? Why did you leave me to do everything? Why did you force me to do everything your bloody Alpha asked just because you had no guts to speak? I was your mate, right? You could have protected me. Instead, the one time I truly needed your support, you just walked away, making sure I didn’t physically die in the process. Amazing, isn’t it?”

“I know, I know. It was wrong. I should have protected you. But, even I was new to all of this and I was naïve, I thought being a mate simply meant living our own usual lives together. I didn’t ever think that it could get so complicated,” he complained.

Amy frowned even harder. “Seriously? This is your excuse? ‘I was too naïve'? Then, what about me? Wasn’t I new to all of this also? You never thought that I would also need help!? I was only a human, for goodness sake, and suddenly I’m dragged into supernatural things that I only read about in books. You think I was prepared for all of this too?”

“I—” Sam started, but Amy shook her head.

“You know what? Forget it. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Arguing with you is not going to change anything. Right now, I don’t think I can look at you anymore. I’m going out!” Amy announced, ignoring protests from the others present in the house as she walked out.

Amy smiled as she felt a small hand clutch her own. Looking at the ten year old boy with tear-filled eyes, she felt like she could truly resonate with him. Yes, he had lost his parents but at least he had his sister with him. Losing her must have affected him really badly. She was, after all, his only family left.

Similar to him, losing her parents was not such a great loss to Amy. At least, not as big as knowing that she was the reason they were killed. At the moment, she felt like if it really was worth living for but a glance at Jack stopped her thoughts.

If a ten year old boy could go through a similar thing and still smile occasionally, there was no reason why she couldn’t. She squeezed his hand in appreciation, simply for not saying anything yet still motivating her to live on.

As they walked to the park, with Amy guiding and Jack silently following, she felt herself lost in her thoughts.

What was going to happen now? She knew Sam had been pursuing her but knowing about their pasts really changed things.

Now, Amy couldn’t help but think that the attraction she felt for him was that 'matebond' Sierra told her about. How else could she have liked a stranger she never met, especially one who was so internally despicable?

Amy shook her head internally. Perhaps, she was being too unjust. It was true that Sam was the reason why everything happened but he wasn’t the reason her parents died. The true culprit was dead already and she needed to stop blaming the people alive for it.

Yet, she couldn’t find it in herself to forgive him.

Why? Why had she been so eager to know the truth? Why did she have to complicate her life any more than it already was? Werewolves? Packs? Mates? Why did she even have to bother with them?

If only she hadn’t gone to the park that day and met Sam. Maybe then, her life would have been different. Everything had been so peaceful. Living with Sierra, going to college, having fun. Some parts had been stressful but overall it was peaceful in it’s own sense.

Now, everything changed. How could Amy go back to her own house and act normally? How could she look at the person she felt was like her sister in the eye, her dear Sierra knowing that for five whole years she was hiding Amy's horrible secrets? How could she exchange playful glances with Sam, her mate who broke her heart again when she learnt about her past? How could she behave like nothing went wrong? How could she do any of that?

She couldn’t. That’s what it was. She didn’t know how she would react but she knew that after this, nothing was going to stay the same. Everything was going to change and as much as she didn’t want it to, she knew it was necessary. After all, everyone says that the truth will come out sooner or later. She was going to find out some day, and it wouldn’t have always gone so smoothly.

It could have been worse, Amy thought. Like, what if she had found someone else in this five year? Definitely, that would have complicated things.

As she looked at the ground, a large shadow hanging over her made Amy look up, and she almost didn’t realize when she let go of Jack's hand and bumped into the man in front of her, falling into his arms.

As she glanced at the familiar face in front of her, her eyes widened.

It was too soon to think that things couldn’t get worse, she thought as she looked at the man in front of her. Things were definitely going to get complicated now.

Hey guys!! I know that I skipped last week's update and i am so sorry!! I was actually quite sick and could hardly get up to even publish a chapter.

So, this update is extra long!! Yippee!! Is this good enough compensation?

Anyways, I hope you like it and don't forget to vote, comment, and share about TIM with your friends and family!!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting TIM!! =)


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