Chapter 46 | Finally over

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'And I know we're not supposed to talk
But I'm getting ahead of myself
I get scared when we're not
'Cause I'm scared you're with somebody else'

>( 'Θ' )<

T h i r d

Ray looks around, feeling people around her drop to the floor. However, she's quickly relieved when she sees Ace with no new wounds, standing as shield in front of her. Her relief slowly fades away as she sees Blake with a bullet through his chest, but no exit wound.

Ace quickly turns around to face Antonio just to also see him on the ground, lifeless, with a pool of blood around him. Above Tony stood Noah, splattered with blood that's not his.

The mallows quickly take charge and knock out anyone on Antonio's gang, leaving no one on the opposing team conscious within a mile radius.

People start yelling orders around Ray as she quickly gets out of the way, finally realizing this place wasn't meant for her. When she is a good distance from all the chaos, she spills her guts out on the grass, vomiting all the horrible events she's seen.

Ace tries to rush to Blake but his injured foot slows him down so he orders a couple of healthy mallows to take him instead. In a matter of seconds, a car is racing down the road to the hospital.

There was a lot of yelling, confusion of who won and what has happened. The gangs fighting farther away have not heard the news so you could still hear gunshots firing.

Ray felt someone guide her to a motorcycle, saying something about following Blake and the rest of the severely injured. Feeling extremely nauseated and disgusted by the sight of blood and the image of Blake and Antonio, she simply just follows.

Meanwhile, Ace walked through the ruckus to Noah who was helping some mallows tie up some guys. Without saying anything, he starts helping too, unsure what to say.

Two weeks later

"Hey, do we have any cinnamon buns left?" Ace walks to the kitchen as Ray was sitting on a stool, resting for a while.

"No, and you have to be in bed!" She quickly comes to his side, helping him sit down.

"It's a little bruise to the ankle, I'll be fine," he says to which she scoffs.

"Right, just a gunshot wound," she mocks.

They are currently still in Australia. After Antonio's death and many of the guys hospitalized, it didn't feel right returning home alone. Blake was immediately rushed into a surgery, and then he was in a one week coma. It was a horrible sight for Ray to witness everyday, but he is finally almost completely back to normal now which allows Ray to stay by Ace's side 24/7.

"Have you talked to Noah yet?" Ace asks, changing the subject.

"No, what would I even say? 'Thanks for killing a person for me'?" She sighs.

"Well, no. I wasn't thinking that at all," Ace makes a face. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," she says. "I also called my medical school I was supposed to be enrolled in, but apparently my application got lost and now they claim I never applied."

"I'm sure that'll resolve itself," he rubs her back.

"Well, you have to get to bed," she stands up, helping him on his feet, and this time, he doesn't fight back seeing how upset she is this morning.

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