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"People want to hear songs

with the words, they're afriad to say"

- Hilarie Burton, One Tree Hill

*   *   *

"Being Pregnant sucks."

Bram makes a face at my words, blanching at my groan as I ease into the chair.

"You sound like a wolf on three legs when you walk."

"Thank you, Bram. Your words always fill my mornings with sunshine."

He shakes his head, chewing on his toast sadly, "why are you even here...don't you have your own house to live in now?"

"Yes. But I miss my breakfasts with you."

"You just don't know how to cook."

"I do. That's not the reason."

Bram gives a loud sigh, "even I can smell the burnt eggs from here."

"Don't make me slap you."

Bram whimpers quietly, "why would you hit a defenseless wolf?"

"Your words are better weapons than some of my warriors' claws."

Bram gives another long dramatic sigh, "yes, if someone comes, please just face me towards them and I will insult them away from the pack."

I laugh, earning a small smile from him.

I hear his whispered comment about burnt eggs, causing a light smack on the back of his head.

"I'll tell Rex."

I gasp, "please no, not Rex."

Bram glares in the wrong direction as he points his fork to me, "Don't you have Alpha duties or something?"

"No, my feet hurt. Let me just rest here."

"It's only five months- I can't image four more if you're already complaining this much."

"Bram," my voice takes on a whining tone that is immediately shot down as he shakes his head, "go away. You're ruining my morning. I like to be alone by myself, talking to no one."

"Urgh," I take the last toast, smiling as I hear his outcry a few seconds later from the doorway.

Rex wouldn't know though. Bram seemed to be on the same wavelength as me, keeping our mornings a secret. Not a secret but...to himself. As if he was embarrassed to admit that he could raise his voice or become angry over such little things. Almost like he had an image of the moody sad wolf to maintain.

He reminded me a lot of Orion in the beginning, but the more time I spent with him, the more I realized that Bram reminded me of myself.

I see Orion in the distance. He's never too far.

I don't want to think about the first time- how I went through all of this before and what it was like then- or how Orion was like in contrast.

He was different now compared to that. He didn't cling to me or insist that he stay by my side.

He gave me space. He almost seemed afraid to touch me, as if any small movement would cause me to shatter. It made me feel uncomfortable to be around him sometimes.

Maybe that was another reason why I enjoyed Bram's company. Because we held nothing back from each other.

Five months.

Eclipse Child |✔|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora