Chapter one, The beginning

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Y/N: I wake up from my bed and yawn. Hmm do I have the piece of pie there? Yep I do. Floweys so kind sometimes, I know that Flowey brings me the Butterscotsh and Cinnamon Pies since Toriels dead, thanks to... I don't actually know who, but still thanks to someone. I walk to the closet Hmm which one should I pick? Yellow and green striped shirt or blue and purple striped shirt? I... can't choose so I'll just put a golden and black striped shirt. Now do I put on a skirt or shorts? Umm.... Skirt. I'll put on the skirt. (I know you all hate skirts but deal with it!)

I look at myself in the mirror. The mirror lies. I'm actually in my human form but the mirror shows me in my true form a true monster, nor the friendly ones, but the ones who kill. *sigh*. If I only rememberd something.

-le flashback-

I woke up in friendly looking room. Huh where am I? Who am I?
I cant remember anything. Huh. It hurts in my back (B: and In a wound in my chest). Huh. What are these, tentacles? Why do I have tentacles. Why does my face feel... melted? Why is my face melted? "Hello child!" I hear at my left. I turn around. And see a goat lady. "Hi?" I say confused.

-End of le flashback-

Of course I rememberd that but times before it are in darkness. I sigh and walk from the room then I feel that somethings off. I gulp and run to the living room. A big book lies in the middle of the room. I walk to it and pick it up. The cover is black and has a lot of symbols that are golden. With golden text in the middle it reads, Monster History The Complete Book. I look at it confused by how it got there. Then I see a note on the ground. I set the book aside and pick up the note.

Howdy, I don't have time for this, but I can't die without a note. Your name is Y/N, if you didn't remember. Read this book, it has your past in it. You are the dister of Dream and Nightmare. Golly he's here I have to go.

I am confused. Like super confused. First of all, Y/N? That name is stupid. (Youre welcome) Second, Flowey, dying? My past in a book? So my brothers are Dream and Nightmare?  Whoever named us must 'ave been stupid. I sigh and put the note down, somehow I can't seem to care so much, express emotions.

I look at the book, wanting to read it right now, wanting to know. But then again, am I ready? What if it has something terrible that I don't want to know? What if it has so much pain inside? But I need to know the truth, I need to understant. Sighing again I pick up the book and walk to the kitchen to make some tea, hopefully I still have F/T/F (favorite tea flavor) left, I sure like it a lot. I pour water into a kettle and Then I put the kettle on the stove top and try to find matches somewhere, Toriel used to use fire magic so I had to scavenge the whole underground, to find something to light a fire with. I finally find them, in the sink, WAIT WHAT?! Why were the matches in the sink? I don't even want to know. I light a fire to the oven which I made so that the heat rises up to a mechanism that heats the stove top.

I put the book on a table and look for tea, fair enough I still have F/T/F! I take the kettle of the stove top and put it on the table then I put out the fire. I look for a mug and find a golden one. Wow people here look like they like Golden a lot. I pour the hot water in and put the tea (somehow) in the mug waiting for it to blend in. I open the book and imediattly smell the old paper. The old and rusteld pages are inviting me to read them. I tear my eyes off the pages and pick the tea mug up. Then I start reading and sometimes sipping the tea.

-le tem skip-

HOLY MOLY! I just read the book and now i'm angry, confused and sad. So basically my brothers were twins, and Nighty, as I liked to call him, or so the book says, was a demon twin? And Deam was a perfect child, then I was a more normal kid, I had good and bad sides, but i never fought with anyone. Then one day Nighty corrupted the apples and people were furious and tried to kill him, he turned into a goopy thing and killed people, didn't kill me, but instead spared me and turned Dream into stone. And now he is still a statue? Well, it wont hurt to try to find him, and Nighty, maybe Nighty will help me discover my past! Or then... he is what the book said. But... I have the feeling that he is just misunderstood.

The dream sibling (undertale au x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora