Chapter 4~ Suprise; People Change

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Lily's P.O.V

Like seriously, what have I done to any of those people? what did I do to 'dad'? what did I do too everyone? Is this why I'm on Earth? To be abused,hated and judged, to be broken into a million pieces inside and out, to be covered in scars? To be just a waste of space. Well if that's the case; then sooner or later; I will honestly just say goodbye to this hell hole I call life...

There's no point anymore...

I sighted quietly to myself, my mind racing with thoughts.

I realised that the sunset was now visible on the sky; meaning it was about 7pm. Knowing I've been here since this morning: I really had to get home; No matter how much I was dreading it. I had too, my mum is probably gonna kick the hell out of me.

Fudge! I shouted loudly; Harry and his bandmates were meant to come today: I totally forgot. I'm in deep sh*t.

There all probably loosing their minds, but honestly I don't care. I mean, why should I?

I groand in pain as I lifted myself up of the ground, I had a gigantic bruise on my thigh, it killed: but I'm used to the pain I guess.

I walked back slowly, honestly I din't want to face anyone right now, and certainly not Harry; he deserves to feel hurt, he hurt me, It has to work both ways.

My heart was speeding up as my house came into sight, my veins pumping with addreline; my hands were shacking out of control.

Ready for the scolding of a life time?! I asked myself as I was walking into our driveway. I took in a deep breathe and pushed the door open, it making a loud squeak.

It grew really quiet. This house seemed abdoned.

I could hear footsteps emerging from the living room, growing louder and louder as each seconded ticked on by.

I stood there frozen to the ground, a shadow came into view of the person, it was getting closer.

Silent; the footsteps have stopped, I drifted my gaze from the ground upwards, to only find a furious looking mother glaring her orbs into mine.

"LILY ROSE STYLES" my mother shouted, crossing her arms over her chest, I jumped at the sudden loudness of her voice.

"INTO THE LIVING ROOM, NOW!" my mother yelled in my face while walking on into the living room.

I just stood there not wanting to go; everyone was gonna be there, and for sure; I didn't want to see any of them.

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?" My mother yelled raising her voice, popping her head through the door.

I sighted loudly and slowly walked towards the door, once I reached my destination: my mother pulled me inside and shut the door closed.

All pairs of eyes were glued on me, making mine irratation grow, what was their problem?

"WHAT?" I shouted at them all through gritted teeth; do they don't know it's rude to stare? I caught my brothers gaze who has shocked written all over his face; yes Harry this person infront of you is indeed your little sister; your once little happy sister...

"LILY, SIT!" My mother yelled at me again, instructing me to sit next to Harry, Phhht, never mummy never.

"NO" I said defending myself, Harry had a painful look plastered on his face, what? He honestly dosen't think I would run into his arms? dose he?

"Lily, SIT DOWN!" Gemma yelled obviously pissed of at me too.

I sighted loudly making my way over inbetween Harry and Louis.

Harry's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe my eyes, or my ears, who was this girl and what happened to my sister? I kept questioning myself. She obviously refused to go anywhere near me. I din't know why, I thought she missed me like I missed her.

She sighted loudly, making her way over to sit inbetween me and Louis: I could tell the boys were all shocked about her behaviour, heck, I was too.

Once she sat down, everyone was eyeing her intensevly. I looked over at my sister only thinking what happened to her, she wasn't the Lily I remember.

"Lily take your hood of, your inside!" Gemma said to her camly.

She just sat there not even bothering to take her hood down, so I grabbed her hood at pulled it down for her.

"WHAT THE FUCK HARRY!" Lily growled at me, glaring at me intensevly. I couldn't believe she swore at me.

"Excuse me?" I replied trying to stay calm while inside; my blood was boiling up with anger.

"You Heard Me!" She yelled in my face.

"LILY ROSE STYLES, GET YOUR ARSE UPSTAIRS NOW!" My mum yelled at her, picking her up and shoving her out the door, Lily ran out of the room and up the stairs shutting her door close with a loud thud.

"Harry I'm so sorry" Gemma said standing up and pulling me into a cuddle, I held her close to me, honestly not gonna lie, I felt dissapointed and upset.

"What happended to Lily?" I mumred, stairing straight ahead of me.

I could hear my mother sigh.

"Harry we honestly don't know, we thought it was just a teenage thing, but it's only getting worse" my mother said flopping onto the couch opposite me.

"Is it okay if I go upstairs to unpack?" Louis voice echoed throughout the house, my mum nodded at him sending him her warm smile.

Louis P.O.V

I quickly walked out of the living room making my way upstairs, I was planning on going to talk to Lily, we were really close in x factor times; and I know for a fact; she's behaving like this because either something's upsetting her or she woke up on the wrong side today. Growing up with girls around you, gives you some general knowledge.

I quickly turned right, walking down the narrow hallways, I made my way to Lilys bedroom door; I remember exacly where it is.

I had doubts: but I decided to knock on the door, there was no answer so I knocked again.

No answer.

"Lily it's Louis please let me in" I said politly, I heard quiet movement around in her room.

She opended the door and went over to sit on her bed. I took that as in come in, so I did and shut the door behind me.

She had her head down, her brown locks covering her face, I sat next to her and lifting her chin up so she could look at me.

Her eyes were red and poofy: her tearstained cheecks made me feel guilty, no one really looked into this girl: I could tell she was hurt; I really couldn't pin point it though.

I just went in to hug her, opening my arms, she jumped and shut her eyes closed, pulling away from me, I was confused, was she scared of me?

"Lily?" I asked her nicely, putting my hand on her knee, she jolted up, but quickly recomposed herself, trying to make it look like nothing happened. I was really confused by her actions, but I just let it slip bye.

"Lily; what's wrong?" I asked her looking straight into her eyes, I could read peoples emotion easily.

"N-nothing" She said bearly audiable, looking away from me.

"Lily; if nothing is wrong, then why are you crying?" I asked trying to keep the conversation, she kept on looking down, not meeting my gaze.

"I'm fine, nothings wrong, honestly, please can I just have some privacy?" she said pulling her hair behind her ear, her brown curls boucing effortlessly.

"Yeah sure, but Lily; if ya need anything, I'm always here" I said to her while getting up and walking out of her bedroom.

Sorry guys this chapter is quite rubbish, I wrote it late at night: anyways, thanks for reading, love you all:*

~Just remember that nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible~

Lily Rose StylesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora