Chapter 23

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Ash P.O.V

*At home*

I gently set Elle down on the bed then turned around "Where are you going?" She asked in a shaky voice grabbing my hand "I will go bring you something to wear." I said heading to the walk in closet, I grabbed her pj's and underwear then returned to her "Here you go" I handed her the clothes. "Thanks" she gave me a small smile and went to change.

*5 minutes later*

Elle got out of bathroom and laid down next to me. I pulled her close to me wrapping my arms around her protectively . She snuggled to me "Everything is going to be fine." I reassured her. She nodded her head "I love you" she smiled at me kissing my chest then her eyelids drooped falling asleep.. I couldn't believe myself! I was so happy when I heard those three simple words, my wolf was jumping in happiness. I pulled her closer to me sighing in content, falling asleep.

Bella P.O.V

I woke up, stretching my arms, when I hit someone. I opened my eyes to see Kyle, sleeping beside me, I gasped and hugged him tightly, he stirred, then opened his eyes "Bella." He said hoarsely. "Kyle, I'm so glad you're ok. Is Ash and Ella back too?" I asked in his embrace. "Yeah, they're probably still sleeping." He replied, kissing the top of my head. "Yay, I don't care, I can't wait to see Ella!" I got up excitedly, heading into the shower. I was washing my hair when I felt arms wrapped around me "Hey, care to share?" I felt Kyle smirking against my shoulder, kissing it.

After showering and wearing my clothes, I went to Ash and Ella's room, I knocked on the door grinning, "Ella! Ash! I'm coming in." I opened the door to find them wrapped in each other's arms sleeping 'So cute.' I cooed, "Kyle, do you have a camera?" I whispered. "No, why?" He said leaning against the door. "Shh, I want to take a picture of them, they look so cute!" I whispered. He sighed "We don't have a camera, I'll buy you one later." I pouted "Fine." I went to Ella's side "Ella, Ella wake up." I said shaking her, she opened her eyes "Bella?" I hugged her tightly "I missed you so much Ella, don't leave me like that again." I told her, trying not to cry. She squeezed me tightly "Sorry, I won't do it again. I promise I'll never leave you." We stayed like that for a while then broke up the hug. "I'll go make breakfast, wake Ash up." I smiled at her, she smiled back and nodded. "Be careful." Kyle said caressing my stomach. "Ok." I went downstairs making the breakfast.

Ella P.O.V

I looked at Ash to find him awake, "Ash, what did Kyle mean by that?" I asked. "Bella's pregnant." He replied simply. "What? Really?!" I said excited. "Yeah." He smiled at me. "That's great, I have to congratulate her." I was about to get up when he grabbed my arm pulling me to him. "Let's make a baby too." He whispered in my ear huskily, sending shivers to my body. I blushed "Y-yeah, but not now." I got up quickly, hearing his chuckle.

We had breakfast, and I teased Bella to my heart's content. "Ella we have a mission." Ash said, when we were sitting after breakfast. "What mission?" I asked confused. He got up suddenly, picking me up and heading upstairs "H-hey, where are we going?" I asked, "You'll see." He smirked. "Have fun Ella!" Bella waved at me grinning.

He went to our bedroom throwing me on the bed and capturing my lips in a heated kiss. I kissed back wrapping my arms around him, he got on top of me straddling my waist. He kissed my lips reapetedly, then went to my neck, kissing and nipping it, I moaned when his hand got under my shirt. He raised my shirt and undid my bra, cold air hitting my bare skin. I shivered, he kissed my chest, sucking on my nipple. I moaned, massaging his hair. "I'm going to mark you now, it may hurt a little." He said. I nodded, giving him access to my neck and closing my eyes tightly. I felt his fangs sinking in my neck, and moaned in pain. Then he licked it, kissing it softly. He kissed me again removing my skirt.

We stayed in each other's arms, panting after our activities. He kissed my shoulder "Sorry for hurting you." He said. I smiled at him, pecking his lips. "It's ok, it had to hurt anyway." He pulled me closer to him, and we fell asleep like that.

Bella P.O.V

*the next day*

I woke up, it was 7:00 am, everyone was still sleeping but I didn't want to sleep anymore. I got up slowly to not wake Kyle up, showered and got dressed in washed out jeans and a white blouse with a dark blue cardigan over it. I wanted ice cream, so I decided to go buy some and wrote a paper for Kyle so he wouldn't be worried.

I bought chocolate chip ice cream and went to the park to eat it. I sat on one the swings eating the ice cream and enjoying the fresh air. "Hey there Bella." Someone suddenly spoke beside me, "Long time no see." I looked at the person, it was James. I gasped "What do you want?" I said in a steady voice, my heart beating madly inside my chest. "Hm, this place is completely empty, aren't you scared of what I might do to you?" He said with a sinister smile. "I'm not scared of you." I said defiantly. "I think you should be, the baby in your womb could be killed anytime now." He whispered in my ear. 'How'd he know?! Oh right they can sense these stuff. Damn!'

I pushed him away getting up "If you ever think of harming it, I'll rip you to pieces." I glared. He laughed a dark laugh "What will a loser werewolf who still hasn't shifted do?" "Stay away, or you'll regret it." I threatening taking a step back. "How about making another baby instead of that one?" He came closer. "I said, stay away!" I put my hand on my stomach, trying to protect it. Suddenly, his face was right in front of me, he grabbed me and kissed me forcefully. "Mn!" I struggled to get away, his grip on my shoulder got stronger, I winced. He went to my neck and bit it roughly "Get away!" I yelled. "Let's make a baby." I slapped him, he looked at me furiously. "Bitch!" He hit me, making me fall to the ground. "Oww." I said in pain. 'That f**king bastard, my baby could've been harmed!' Rage filled me and I looked at him in anger "I'll kill you." I growled, then I felt a burning sensation through my whole body, I screamed in pain. I looked at my body 'What's happening?' 'Don't worry Bella, you're just shifting.' A voice replied. 'Who's there?' 'Your wolf.' The voice said. I looked at James, who was looking at me with shock. 'Let's get rid of that shit.' My wolf said and we lunged at him. I slashed him with my claws, he screamed in agony. 'Finish him.' My wolf said and I bit him hard, he didn't even get the chance to shift. He was dead in an instant from losing so much blood. Suddenly, I felt dizzy, my body shifted back and I fell on the ground.

Kyle P.O.V

I turned to my right side, searching for Bella with my arm to find it empty. I opened my eyes, Bella wasn't there. I looked at the clock, it was 8:15 am. I got up and stretched. 'Where is she?' I saw a paper on the nightstand, the words 'To Kyle.' Was written on it. I opened it 'Morning Kyle! I went out to buy ice cream so don't worry about me :) if I'm not back, I probably went to the park. Bella.' I sighed "That girl, seriously." I put on a shirt, brushed my teeth and went to bring her.

*At the park*

I entered the park, 'She's probably at the swings.' I went to search there. What I saw made me freeze, Bella was on the ground, completely naked with torn clothes around her and James' dead body was lying in a pool of blood. "Bella!" I ran to her, removing my shirt and putting it on her. Her body was cold from being naked, but she was alive. I picked her up, hugging her to my chest to try and give her as much warmth as I could and ran back to the mansion.

I opened the door, Ash and Ella were already up, Ella was putting breakfast plate. "Hey, where were y-" Ella's eyes widened when it fell on us. "What happened?!" They rushed to my side. "I'm not sure." I replied not really knowing what happened. "Is she ok?" Ella asked. "Yeah, let's just get her to bed, she's cold." We put her under the blankets and put on warmer clothes on her. I stayed by her side, brushing her hair and caressing her face. "I won't leave you alone ever again, you hear me? You're forbidden from going out alone you careless girl." I whispered to her. "Kyle?" She said hoarsely. "Hey." I smiled at her kissing her forehead. The door slammed open and Ella came in "Bella, are you okay?" She ran to her hugging her. "Ow Ella!" Bella winced. "Sorry." She said sheepishly "Now, tell us what happened." She told us everything and how she shifted and killed James.

"I'm just glad you're both okay." I said hugging her gently. "Me too." Ella hugged her too. "Group hug!" Ella said pulling Ash to us and we all laughed.

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