Chapter Seven

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When Allie entered Lady Havisham's ball the next week, the first face her gaze searched for was Richard's. He'd sworn that, despite abhorring most balls, he'd attend this one as Allie was being forced to attend, even though she was not overly fond of Lady Havisham to say the least. The woman was odious and off-putting and thought of nothing but her own gain and matchmaking.

Lady Annaliese was the first person to catch her gaze. She lit up upon seeing Allie, and crossed the room immediately, wearing a smile once she had seen someone she knew. Emily, who had been walking directly behind her with Nate, also instantly caught sight of the gloriously beautiful Lady Annaliese.

"Allie, who is that woman?" Emily asked in a low tone as Nate was approached by some or the other Marquess. "She might just be the most lovely creature to walk the earth!"

"I know!" Alexandra agreed, admiring Lady Annaliese, whom she had no reason to judge based on rumour and supposition for she had been nothing but nice to Alexandra. Emily, she was sure, would feel entirely the same way. She was the most open-minded woman Alexandra had ever met.

"Lady Annaliese!" Allie greeted excitedly as the lady arrived rather quickly before them. "It is a pleasure to see you again. Allow me to introduce to you my sister-in-law, Her Grace, Emily, Duchess of Somerhall. Emily, this is Lady Annaliese Walker."

Annaliese quickly curtsied to Emily, who smiled warmly. They began a conversation rather quickly regarding the ball in general when they were approached by none other than the man Allie had been searching for all along.

Richard arrived, as usual, in great pomp. He'd arrived later than he ought to have, and he'd sidestepped his hostess and walked directly to where the three ladies were standing, donned in his coat, tails and cravat and looking just as handsome as always, not that Alexandra would admit so aloud to her friend, who would only tease her endlessly.

"Ladies," he greeted, bowing mockingly deep, "How are you this lovely evening?"

"How could we be anything but perfect at an event as splendiferous as this?" Allie joked, eliciting a laugh from Richard and Emily, while Annaliese only smiled. Her sense of humour, perhaps, was different. "You, it appears, have been unable to adhere to the instructions of your pocket watch."

"Well, there is a really wonderful story to that, I must say." Richard offered, suddenly becoming very excited. Alexandra's ears perked up, as well, for she always enjoyed hearing his exaggerated tales of debauchery that, although nowhere near being true, were highly entertaining. "It starts with my being at White's. A few gentlemen and I were engaged in a rather innocent game of whist when, to our complete surprise, a rogue entered the club, by all means, a robber...." Richard went on to describe his heroic attempts at apprehending the aforementioned rogue, but not before the rogue broke a bottle of gin over his head.

"You are brave." Allie complimented in mock admiration, unable to keep from laughing. Richard had become remarkably animated through the process and had subsequently captured Allie's full attention, even if only to make fun of him.

"I'm sure none of what you said was even partly a lie." Lady Annaliese said unamusedly, rolling her eyes at Richard in a way that annoyed Allie slightly for reasons she could not name.

"At least Alexandra thinks I'm funny." Richard remarked, and Allie found her lips pulling themselves up at the corners at the sound of this.

"I'm quite sure she's the only one." Emily teased, her hand resting over her swollen belly as she glanced subtly across the room to see where Nate was. She wasn't entirely secure in a social situation with the ton unless Nate was in her sight. He gave her confidence, and Allie thought it sweet.

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