Chapter XII, The Pursuit of Happiness

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Alexis POV

She absolutely hated this place. To her, district 17 was just a nest of filth and weakness. The Slaves living here were getting decimated by a virus their own race had created to fight hers. She found it very ironic.

Humans were very resilient back in the early days of the Renaissance. The more the Legion, the Eldritch armed forces, pushed for submission, the more desperate and unpredictable the Resistance would get. In their desperation, they did whatever they could to win. Many Eldritch's were captured and experimented on or tortured for information. The Marburg Virus was one of the things that came out of their sick experiments. However, to the dismay of its creators, the virus mutated to affect human beings. This isn't too surprising though, since the bio-weapon was designed to mutate frequently, and humans and eldritchs have pretty much identical DNA. So, after a certain amount of time, it was doomed to happen.

Those were the good days she thought. Two races trying to destroy and subjugate each other, fighting dirty and with whatever they can find. Alexis enjoyed that kind of struggle. People or things being pushed to their limits and exceeding them, that was what made her tick. Crushing the resistance was fun at first, but then once the talented and interesting people were defeated it turned boring. For her war was like any other game she played: she enjoyed it only up to the point when she had the overwhelming advantage.

These days she was incredibly bored. Everything went her way and nothing interesting ever happened. That is why she is here in this horrid place, surrounded by filth. If the person she was hoping to meet was here, then she would have no shortage of entertainment for a very, very long time.

Well, now the problem for Alexis was finding him. She would check at the exit to see if he was still in the safe zone, and if he was, then she and her team would start casting Search Magic throughout the whole place to find him.

Alexis and her subordinates continued onwards through what was left of District 17. People mostly stayed out of their way. The inhabitants of the waste had developed a sixth-sense for sensing trouble, they had to; they lived in a place full of criminals and thugs were running into trouble meant the end for you and your family.

After an hour they arrived at the Gates. The guards there made a motion for them to stop.

"Not another step further, you faerie scum," said one of the 4 guards contemptfully, raising his gun at her. He had seen Alexis' golden eyes and white hair, and that was a dead giveaway. Only Eldritchs had rare colored eyes or hair. The rest of the guards followed the leader and aimed at the group.

"Whoa! calm down, Tiger. We work for the Capitol Defense Force. We just want to know if this individual has crossed the Gates." Said, Rowan diplomatically, raising a picture of Talon for the guard to see.

"Listen up, I don't give a shit if you are from the C.D.F. or the fucking Caesar's consort!," The guard says seething with anger, " You fuckers think you can fucking leave us to rot down here and then come here and expect cooperation?! No, sir! Now, here are your options: you either surrender peacefully to be incarcerated until you receive a proper court judgment, or we do things the hard way and launch a citywide manhunt- Your choice."

Rowan winced and slowly turned his head to look at the prince. She was still- too still- and gritting her teeth and digging her nails into her palm. In a cold voice full of venom, she said, "It would seem these worthless slaves need a reminder of who their superiors are." 

Not a millisecond later, with a loud BOOM!, there was an explosion of air, which temporarily blinded onlookers. When the gust of wind cleared, in the place where Alexis should have been, all that was left was broken concrete. Rowan had seen this happen before, but he could never get used to it- no matter how many times he saw it. 

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