THE EBOOK...coming soon

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I'm so excited to announce that I'm working on the My Alpha Mate Got Me Pregnant And He Loves It THE EBOOK  as we speak! The third and final version will launch on my website in May (Early June, the latest) 2019. Eeeep! I'm so excited!

I'm so incredibly excited to share this version with you. I've been working incredibly hard to get this perfect for you and I hope guys would love it. This feels super strange but I'm just going to spit it out...this eBook will be 5,49 (euros and excluding taxes). You will get the final version of this book (probably going to be 300 pages) AND the old version (just as I wrote it in 2012) all in one. Basically, you can buy a Starbucks coffee or my eBook. BUT as I originally promised this eBook in March and there was a delay, I thought it would be nice to have a little discount week to help with the blow. The first week after the launch, the eBook will be 4,99 (euros and excluding taxes). I'm incredibly cautious about the fact that I'm going to ask money for this book and it needs to be the best possible thing I can write at this very moment. It needs to meet a very high standard which is one of the reasons why it's been taking so much longer to finish than what I originally thought.

I will hop onto here to announce the launch date a week prior and to share the first five chapters. My hope is that you, the readers, will love what you see and buy the eBook to read more. In this version, each chapter is 8 pages on Microsoft Word (some is more). My short 1000 words per chapter is a thing of the past (OG readers will know what I'm talking about).

I just want to take this moment to thank all of you. You guys have supported me so much over the years and I will be forever grateful. I love you guys.

I was going to wait to announce this part until the eBook was up and running but I've disappointed so many of you (with the delays) so I might as well share this now. If I sell a 1000 eBooks, I will write BOOK TWO! For the OG fans: I'm not sure if this will follow the plotline as the original sequel.


Edit from Future Cassy:

When I finished the old version in 2012 I wrote about 40% of the sequel (book 2) before I lost interest. It was called: The Future King Is My Mate And He Hates It. So, basically to explain it in simple terms.

Book 1: My Alpha Mate Got Me Pregnant And He Loves It (Currently being turned into an eBook. The first five chapters will come online just before the eBook Launch).

Book 2: Previously named and now deleted; The Future King Is My Mate And He Hates It will go up if I sell a thousand eBooks. It WILL NOT follow the same storyline as the original sequel from 2012/2013. I will be a brand new story following Book 1 (the eBook).

I hope this clears everything up.


Before I leave, let me share why I'm making this eBook. It's my dream to become a published author, to turn my passion and art into a career. I've been slowly building up to selling eBooks on my website these last two years and I wanted the first book I ever sell to be this one. This book has such a special place in my heart, heck it's what got me started. I wanted to start my career by honoring my roots. 

Thank you so much for all the love and support. I hope you will continue to support me as I venture into the new world of eBooks.

Much Love

Cassy xxx

PS I removed all the extra chapters where you could vote on the cover, baby name, giveaway and all the author notes that I've made these last few months. It was starting to get too cluttered and confusing for the new readers. I have rounded up the votes for the cover and baby name(s) so please don't fret, your opinion mattered.

PSS The cover was made by a special OG reader. She has a cover webshop here on Wattpad. Her Wattpad profile is StayWithSpeedy. I will post the link to her profile and cover shop in the comment section below.

PSSS I will continue to share first drafts of my stories here on Wattpad and on my website. Some will be exclusive for my website while some will be exclusive for Wattpad. Some of these stories, I will be turning into an eBook later on the future. I want to continue to share my stories in their infant stages so I can adjust and incorporate the readers' wishes as much as I can with the final version.

My Alpha Mate Got Me Pregnant And He Loves It (SAMPLE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora