Chapter Two (SAMPLE)

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My Alpha Mate Got Me Pregnant And He Loves It, the eBook is launching on the 14th of June. I will share the exact time of the launch in Chapter Four. For the first week, you will get the completed fully edited and revised eBook version just under 300 pages and the old version just as I wrote it in 2012 for only 4.99 (euros and excluding taxes). Normal price is 5.49 (euros and excluding taxes). The only payment option is PayPal. This chapter as you're about to see has undergone 95% of the editing process. There is a real possibility that some grammar or spelling mistakes are still remaining. I'm sorry about that. As I'm editing this myself, some mistakes will fall through the cracks. If you see a mistake, please help a girl out and point it out for me. With that being said, I still plan to read through the entire book as a hole at least twice before I put the final product together.

Thank you for all the love and support. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

PS: Please excuse the spacing. This is only a problem when sharing it online.




Chapter Two

My announcement to suddenly cave in to peer pressure and finally meet the standard of society seemed to make the boys chuckle. How rude.

"Now this is something I have to see!" Luke sneered jokingly, and I mockingly punched him in his shoulder with all of my strength. I guess the unicorn has left the building.

"We can help!" Simon cheered, and I shook my head. I doubt their help would be very well...helpful. Funny enough, my boys love the shopping mall. They can pick up new girls, and the gaming center is out of the world. I should give them the benefit of the doubt, though. Maybe they're excited to finally play dress up with their tomboy friend with no fashion sense. One glance at Luke, who seemed to be engrossed at the girl who was stretching, answered my question. My new wardrobe was the last thing on their mind. I could practically see Luke undress the yoga girl.

"I will go with her. Alone." Damon snapped, and I frowned. Another mood swing, and they complain every time I get my period? Bitch, please. The boys fell silent as tension grew. Damon has been a nightmare to be around these last few weeks. He would go from one of the boys to peeing a possessive ring around me. The man was on edge, to say the least. Gareth glanced my way. His concern etched on his face. I shook my head, and the boys nodded. No one is going to argue and fight the Alpha to be on this one. The twins then broke the deathly silence with an attempt of a joke. Their effort was in vain as Damon still clung onto me possessively. Luke shot me a look. 'Will you be okay?' He mouthed. I simply nodded and shot him my best reassuring smile. Now is not the time to get emotional, Angie. Damon moods could give anyone whiplash. Don't allow his possessive actions to fool you. Tomorrow he might find his mate and then it's goodbye best friend. His life is going to change forever tomorrow, and you're going to be pushed to the sidelines. You can't control everything. I paused at my train of thought. What do I even want from him? Do I want to be Damon's mate? Or do I just want our friendship to stay as it is now? I liked the idea of having a mate, and I love Damon, but the two just doesn't connect? I'm not in a rush to meet my mate and start a family. I have way too many problems...too much baggage. I'm one wrong comment away from a mental breakdown. On the other side, Damon is my best friend. He has been with me through the bad, the worse, and the truly traumatic lows. He has been there for me every single step of the way. He is my rock, but I've never for one second romantically saw us as an item. Damon is Damon, you know? Damon can't be my mate. Also, Damon's mate is going to be the female Alpha. That is a lot of pressure, and I don't exactly shine under pressure. She is also in the spotlight twenty for seven, and I feel like throwing up when I'm the center of attention. Plus, how can I be a great role model or take care of the kids? I'm not a gentle person. I'm not the person little kids or lost soul gravitate too for advice. It's just not me. I'm just a girl trying to keep her head down, so she doesn't lose it and end up at some physic ward. I stopped myself. Don't go down this rabbit hole, Angie. It's not pretty on the other side.

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