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Drake, Vulcan, Iron and the others watched from the open door of the helicopter as they passed by the Senator's compound. It was maybe two acres, small really. But surrounded by a high block wall topped with razor wire and security cameras every few feet. Getting in undetected was an impossibility. As the helicopter landed it was quickly decided to take the compound by surprise. A plan was quickly formulated and executed with the military precision of the men in the club. 

Drake led the group of twenty or so men, armed with knives, grenades, explosives, and weapons, to the edge of the clearing. The Senator was definitely a cagey customer. He wanted to see who was approaching from at least 100 yards out. The only way this would succeed is if every one did their job with perfect timing. He touched his ear piece and spoke, "Alright men. Get ready. Is every one in position?" The twelve men not with him all answered back, in order, affirmative. "Alright men, on my count. Ready, 1, 2, 3, 4, Blow everything!"

As soon as the words left Drake's mouth explosions rocked the compound. Some took out the cameras and the motion sensors on the wall, while grenades were thrown to create a diversion so that one of the guys could use the C4 they brought to breach the wall.

"Alright, stand clear. Fire in the hole!" Every one ran and ducked to avoid the flying debris. Looking up, Drake was satisfied with the large gaping hole in the wall surrounding the compound. Leading his men, he motioned for them to follow.

When they entered the compound it was a chaotic scene out of a war movie. Men were running everywhere yelling, bodies on the ground. Some, the only way that you could identify them was the blood and pieces of clothing littering the ground. 

Drake tried not to think about that while they moved through the grounds to take the mansion. Surprisingly, they made it to the house. Drake and all 36 men with him stormed the mansion and searched everywhere.  A voice came over the earpieces of all the men. 

"He's not here. Even the secret room is empty. There's a tunnel leading away from the mansion. The door is standing open." Drake felt a cold chill run through his body. "Samantha....."

"Everyone head back to the chopper! He's heading for the Club's compound." Drake felt the dread in the pit of his stomach, and looking around at his brothers in the chopper, he knew that they felt it too.

Drake snatched his phone out the inner pocket of his tactical vest and dialed Sam. Instant relief washed over him when she answered. "Sam, get all of the women and children the safe rooms and guard them. The key to the weapons room is in my office." When she answered affirmative, Drake hung up and looked at his vice president, who nodded back at him. 

An hour later when the helicopter landed in the Cluhouse compound, The men rushed out and filed into the clubhouse. Everything looked just so. Nothing was out of place. Suddenly, Drake heard Isabella crying. He heard a shot ring out and a man scream, then more gunfire. A yell, then silence. 

Drake led a charge of men running. The safe room was in the basement and fortified with thick concrete walls. The steel door on the safe room was charred where it looked like someone had tried to burn it. But the door was at least an inch thick.

"Sam! Sam!" Drake screamed his girls name. 

"We're in here, Drake. But the door is wedged shut and Isabella is getting hungry. So are the other kids. Drake?" Sam's voice was shaky.

"Yeah, baby?" He thought he was about to get bad news. 

"I have to pee....." 

Drake laughed in relief as he realized what was wrong with his girl.

"It's not funny, darn it!" He could just imagine her stomping her foot in agitation.

"Yes it is baby. Especially when you consider the alternative. Stand back, baby. We're going to try to blow the door off and get you women out." Drake could hear Sam telling the women to get back and to shield the children against the wall.

Axe and Bullet placed a bead of the leftover C4 around the door and stood back, setting off the charges. When the smoke cleared, the door slowly fell to the floor. Drake didn't wait, he rushed in and grabbed his girl. She was standing in the corner, holding Isabella.

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