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As we got into Jungkooks grandmas room. we saw her sitting on the bed while having her glasses on and reading a book.

"Hey, Granny." Jungkook got closer to her and hugged her.

"Hey." i said a little shy.

"Hm...you got my attention when i heard your name. I wonder why?" She said smiling taking her glasses off and puts the book on the nightstand. I didn't say anything, only smiling.

"Come here, sit. " she patted the bed to let me sit beside her. When i sat beside her, she start to play with my hair, and i liked that.

"I'm surprised that Jungkook have nice taste on girls." Jungkook coughed a little, glaring at her, i giggle a little.

" just kidding. " she laughed and then asked me a serious qustion, that got me nervous to answer.

"What is your fathers name?" Her face was all serious.

"Well, I don't know him. So, I don't know his name, too." I could see Jungkook was kinda in shock, and she too, i looked down.

"I'm sorry." she apologize.

"No, it's okay don't be."

"I shouldn't had ask that." she was a bit disappointed.

"No, no, don't be. Seriously." I said shaking my hands at the air.

"you are so pretty. Jungkook, you should take care of her and don't let her go." Jungkooks mom told me the same, and now his grandmother says the same to him.  I'm feeling already bad. I shouldn't really accept his offer.

"Yes, Granny. I will." he says boredly. His grandmother noticed it.

"What is with your face today?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm a little tired. " liar, he is always like this.

"Well, go to sleep then." she told him.

"well, then, good night. C'mon, Y/n, let's g-"

"Not her. You." She said grabbing my hand, made us stand up. His expression says it all, he does not want me to be with her.

"We are going to have our little talk at the garden. So, please don't Disturb us." I like that old lady, she is savage espically with Jungkook and he can't say anything about it. I lowkey smirked.

"I wanna take a walk with you guys, too. " she stares at him death glaring, saying,

"It's a girls talk."

"Its okay, i want to." he says coming up towards us.

"Agh!" Jungkooks eyes widen as mine and he ran to her as i held her arm tightly so she couldn't collapse down. She was holding her chest where her heart is.

"Granny!" He shouts. She starts laughing widely. Never thought she would joke like that. I sigh in relief.

"I was kidding!" She said laughing, grabbed my hand again and we left, before we left i took a glance at Jungkook, he was annoyed.

"he always fall for my heart attack tricks." she says, chuckling.

After walking for a while in silence. She spoke.

"Jungkook, wasn't like that before. He was a funny, weird, sweetheart and nice kid. Then one day he changed to a cold, stone heart, not open anymore, careless. And hates people who is kind." she spoke with her low tone and softly.

"I don't know what to say, but may i ask, why he became like that?" I asked. We were still walking slowly. The fresh is nice.

"His mother... she died young." i could see the look in her eyes, sadness.

"his mother? Then, who is the other one?"

"It is his step mother, he respects her alot."

"Now it makes sense." i say.

"And you...look like her, exactly like her." she says, stopping walking and stares at me with a sad smile on. I look like her?

"Her smile is like yours. You both have the same personality." I was speechless. He never spoke to me about this. Was I a pain to his view? She added, "I'm sure Jungkook will for real make you smile someday and show himself around you, without hiding anymore." she says, smiling.

"yeah, I hope so, too. Wait-what! What do you mean?" I nervously say. She laughs before speaking.

"What I'm saying is, i know you guys are just a fake couple. It's becuse of his dad, right?" I'm in big shook! I'm screwed up!

"No! Pfft! What are you talking about-" I tried at least to lie.

"Just admit it." her words stopped me from lying. I meet with her eyes.

"Yes, you are right." i sighed a deep one.

"Don't worry, i won't tell anyone nor jungkook." she said patting my left arm. "make sure to act good, huh."

"Yeah, Jungkook wouldn't like that. " i said almost like a whisper. "and I'm trying my best." we both chuckled.

"It's really late. let's get inside now." she says and walks ahead of me. Jungkook, you have the people who counts on you. You should fight for yourself.


I put Jungkooks clothes on and jumped on the bed. Yes, I'm sleeping on the bed and Jungkook on the floor. I lowkey smirked Evil.

"Jungkook? You sleeping?"I say, waiting to hear him.


"Jungkook? " I say again. He sigh before answering.


"When are we going back home?"

"Tomorrow. Hopefully. " he says boredly.

"Finally." i sigh deeply. I didn't want to stay here anymore. Promising his mom–step mother to not let him go, was the most heartbreaking for me to hear. Little dose she know we are fake. I said good night to Jungkook and some hour i fell asleep.

He is so mysterious. I hope I will be able to see the real him.

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