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It was the morning of the Trial, and Reyna hardly slept.

Which was most unfortunate because it was going to be the warmest and most comfortable she would be for the next week, and she knew she needed to enjoy it while she could.

But the moment the sun peeked over the mountains on the horizon, she was awake putting on her fur-lined leathers, her heaviest socks beneath her toughest boots, and stuffing her hands into her gloves as soon as she the tied back her hair. No weapons, so supplies... and no more time to delay.

With a final glance at the cabin around her, and the silent prayer to the gods that she would see it again, Reyna left and walked across the camp. She ignored the stares thrown her way and focused her attention towards where the other initiates waited for the beginning of the Trial.

And among the leaders and lords of the camp, Thessan stood. Other trainers were supposed their trainees, and when she saw him she held her breath, her chin held high as he approached, falling in step with her. "How are you feeling?"

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye as she walked toward the main gathering circle where the Trial would begin. "I'm here, aren't I?" But there was something in the look he gave her- something that made her think she would need to assure him as much as she needed to assure herself. "Why do I feel as though I should be asking you the same question?"

"And what question is that?" he inquired, turning his attention wholly to her as he continued walking at her side, hands clasped behind his back.

She stopped, turning to face him. "How are you feeling, Thessan?" Because in the times she knew him, the years they were training, now once did Thessan dare to ask- or care- about how she felt.

Thessan's brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed slightly, but he stopped beside her all the same. "What does that matter?"

She peered at him a moment longer. She must have misread him, and waved a dismissive hand as she began walking towards the others recruits. "I only need to survive a week. What's so hard about that? I've survived the last three with you. "

"Well, the other males will hardly offer such good company, compelling conversation, or charm. You'll miss me."

His tone was almost amicable and caught her attention, but as they neared the circle of initiates, Thessan merely said, "Good luck," just loud enough for her to here and clapped her on the shoulder before turning to join the rest of the trainers.

He was gone by the time she could get "Thanks" beyond her lips. And as she watched Thessan walk away, she realized a small part of her would miss him... and swore to beat the shit out of him when she got back because of it.

Reyna remembered the stories she heard from her father about the Trial- going unarmed into the mountains, magic banned, with no supplies or clothes beyond what you have on your back

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Reyna remembered the stories she heard from her father about the Trial- going unarmed into the mountains, magic banned, with no supplies or clothes beyond what you have on your back.

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Forced into an engagement with a man she doesn't love, Reyna must ign...
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