Chapter 192 "The First Marshal!"

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"Push forwards! Intercept the starships, do not give them any chance to fire their main cannons!" roared Major General Tang Xu in the comms channel. At this point, they could only fight it out. If things became truly dire, blocking off the cannonfire with one of their starships would also be worth it. Following this order, all the Federation starships began to move. Unfortunately, the starships were too large and clumsy — it was not that easy to turn their bodies.

This was also why starships, despite having powerful main cannons, could not be the main fighting force in an interstellar battle. In contrast to the agile mecha, the heavy and slow bulky starships were not at all suited for quick battles, completely toyed with by mecha. If not for the fact that starships themselves were bulked up with great defences and the damage of mecha attacks were insignificant against their bulk, incapable of finishing them off, starships may likely have to quit appearing in battle completely.

"Lock onto Ling Xiao, and fire!" The main cannon of the first starship finally had its sights on Ling Xiao, and so the starship's main cannoneer was charged to attack Ling Xiao, who was hovering in place in the air.

A deafening "Boom!" — the main cannon's fire hit Ling Xiao's mecha directly. Smoke and fire shot out in all directions, completely engulfing <Belief>.

The starship's main cannoneer leapt up and danced in excitement, hollering, "I've hit him! I've hit him!" If Ling Xiao were to die at his hands, he would become the hero of the Twilight Empire!

The smoke cleared and the flames vanished! When Ling Xiao's mecha <Belief> appeared perfectly unharmed before the crowd once more, the dancing cannoneer froze, and his excited words became lodged in his throat as if his neck were being strangled. His face was the picture of disbelief. This was because the massive firepower of the main cannon had actually been unable to leave any mark at all on Ling Xiao's mecha <Belief>.

The Federation soldiers were as equally mystified, unsure how Ling Xiao's <Belief> had managed to come out of such powerful cannon-fire utterly unscathed. Some sharp-sighted people then noticed the faint sheen of multi-coloured light on <Belief>'s outer shell, and immediately understood. "Divine Shield! It's the god-class mecha's exclusive Divine Shield system!"

The reason why god-class mecha could become god-class mecha was that the A.I. of the mecha could support several systems which regular mecha A.I.s could not. One of these was the Divine Shield system — it could convert energy into an almost flawless, practically invincible divine light shield. It could be said that any weapon invented by humankind at the moment was incapable of breaking through Ling Xiao's defences. Of course, the Divine Shield system was not without weaknesses. It drained too much energy — even a god-class mecha's supposedly endless power could only sustain the system for a short 3 minutes.

Ling Xiao's mecha <Belief> withstood the main cannon's attack this time but did not continue to remain stationary to be a sitting target. The air around the mecha suddenly warped, and in the very next second, it had appeared by the other's starship.

"The Divine Wind system!" This was yet another of the god-class mecha's exclusive systems. Once it was activated, the mecha could reach up to 4 times the speed of light, truly achieving instantaneous teleportation.

Right then, Ling Xiao, who had already appeared beside the starship, swiftly removed a giant sword hilt from his back. His mecha gripped the sword hilt tightly in its right hand, and a 100-metre long beam saber abruptly appeared out of nowhere in this starry space.

Ling Xiao gripped this giant saber tightly and then swung it down powerfully in a great arc at the starship ...

A lift of his hand, a swing of his saber — Ling Xiao did not look again at the starship, keeping away his giant beam saber instantly after his attack to hang it once more behind his back.

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