Chapter 3

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     I walked out to fetch Pepper just like Oliver had asked. I didn't realize what was happening to Ashley until I walked inside with Pepper. "Ashley?" I called out to her. I rushed to the door and saw the Hummer was driving away with her. "No!" I screamed running after the car but it was no use. I let out a frustrated sigh and ran back to the house but then I stopped suddenly. 

     Oliver had left not just soldiers to take Ashley but me as well. Some of them were trying to hold down my dog but were doing a terrible job. 

    A soldier stepped out in front of me, his gun raised, "Stand down."

     I really didn't want to do it but they left me no chose. I sighed and faced him my gaze serious, "Just tell me where they are taking that girl. I will spare you all if you do." Oliver wanted me dead so it didn't matter.

     "I'm afraid that is private information. Grab him!" He commanded, just as I lifted my hand. A bolt of electricity shot from my hand electrify the three of them. I stretched my hands out forming a ball and shoved it towards the soldier that formed a group. I sent a few bolts at the guards that held my dog captive. The feeling left buzzing inside me like it always did. 

     Pepper skipped over and kissed my face. He then jumped down and started to bark like crazy. "What is it boy?" Pepper looked me over before taking off to the woods. "Wait!"

    "Pepper!" I called but it was no use. He's mind was set on one thing and it hit me. He's going after Ashley. He must know that I really care about her. "Pepper wait!" This time he turned around and looked at me with his blue eyes. I knelt down and looked into his eyes, "Go to the headquarters."

I knew this was where she was being kept and so this is how my journey begins. 

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