ten | eagle

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My eyelids feel extremely heavy but I force my eyes open anyway. I don't remember what happened, but the excruciating pain coming from the side of my head means that it couldn't be good.

Of course it's not good, dumb*ss, you were unconscious!

I groan and take in my surroundings. I'm lying in a room that's painted blue. It's quite messy, with clothes scattered on the floor and some on the bed I'm on. It's dark, but there is a crack of sunlight coming through the curtains on my right.

Screw the sun. Somebody turn it the hell off.

I lie down and pull the covers over my face, groaning in pain as the stinging sensation I'm feeling on my head gets worse. It is probably a really bad hit, but I'm too lazy to care at this point.

I hear the door creak open and footsteps walking in. "Bree, are you alive?" Someone pokes me in my ribs and I let out another groan in response.

They pull the covers off my body. "Are you okay?" the voice, which I can now tell belongs to Elijah, asks.

His voice is kinda hot, I won't lie. It's deep and slightly rough, and it makes me want to pull him down into this bed, rip his clothes off and— haha, nope.

I'm not thinking about that. Definitely not.

I open my eyes and find Elijah holding a tray of food. I sit up and lean back against the headboard, and he sets the tray down on my lap. It's a plate of pancakes drizzled in chocolate sauce and topped with strawberries. Yum.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm not hungry." I move the tray onto the bedside table and close my eyes. "What happened? I can't remember anything? Did I fall?" I ask.

He sighs and runs a hand through his messy hair. I notice that there is a small plaster on his temple and another one on his neck.

He sits down beside me and takes me in his arms. I lean my head on his shoulder and look up into his eyes, waiting for him to reply.

"Last night, there were these idiots and I was trying to get them to leave but they were out of it, probably high on something, and they were trying to fight me. You, uh... You came upstairs and the guys knocked you unconscious and tried to..." I notice his fist clenches and his expression hardens. "But I took care of it. I'm so sorry that I let them hurt you."

He took care of it? No. I'm the hitman here. This should have been easy.

I lift my hand to the bump on my head and frown when the pain shoots through my head. I can't believe they managed to knock me out.

"You should have seen Elijah, Bree," Jamie says, walking into the room. "I didn't see everything but I saw the end. He had knocked most of those guys out cold and he was ready to kill the guy who hurt you. It was so cute. He is so in love with—"

"He's over-exaggerating." Elijah rolls his eyes and gives Jamie a strange look. "I was obviously going to kill that motherf*cker if Jamie hadn't stopped me, but it wasn't— nevermind. We should take you to the hospital just to make sure it isn't too serious."

I sit up and see black dots floating around. "I'm fine. I-I should get back home." I squeeze my eyes shut when the pain shoots through my head again.

"This is my fault. I shouldn't have gotten drunk, then this wouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have left you alone downstairs. I messed up and put you in danger. I'm so sorry."

I shake my head. "I was the one that got you drunk. It's not your fault."

"Yeah, you guys are both stupid," Jamie states and nods, leaning against the door fame. He folds his arms across his chest and smirks.

"Actually, you invited those idiots. This is on you, too," Elijah points out.

"True," he admits, making me smile. "I swear it won't happen again. That was too dramatic for my liking, anyway."

"Speaking of dramatic," Elijah says and turns to me. "If you want me to drug them and tie them up in a dark basement for you so you can beat them up, I will. I swear I'll let you perform a blood eagle on every one of them—"

"A blood eagle." My eyes widen. "That's... violent."

"What's a blood eagle?" Jamie asks.

"It's when, uh..." I start to explain but everything suddenly starts to spin. I squeeze my eyes shut. "When you, uh, cut, uh... What's that sound?" I ask. There's a slight ringing sound coming from all around me.

"Sh*t, Jamie go downstairs and start the car. We have to drive her to the hospital. It's probably just a concussion, but we need to make sure."

I hear footsteps scurry off which means Jamie is probably doing what he was told. I feel Elijah slide his muscular arms under my body and he easily lifts me up and carries me downstairs.

"I'm fine, Eli," I whisper, opening my eyes to look up at him. Wow, he looks so attractive from every angle. He carries me bridal style towards the car and I lean my head against his chest, feeling tired all over again. I should be fine. It was just a bottle, I've had worse.

He doesn't listen to me. He slides me into the backseat and gets in front, then Jamie hits the gas and speeds down the road, towards the hospital.



T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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