CHAPTER 4: Dare of Veracity

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"You've gotta be kidding me!"

It was astonishing. It was mind boggling. It was—

"It's just a Mercedes Benz, honey."

Riel tried his best to keep me calm while I felt like hyperventilating the crap out! A bloody Mercedes Benz! Really?

"Not to mention it's old and cranky." I heard Iven cough behind me but it didn't matter. Because, bleeding carcass! It was a bloody good looking Mercedes Benz!

Sleek black with a shine to match the sun. The magic of a Mercedes could never be denied!

"Can I touch it?"

"Sure, babe. Go ahead."

Riel's voice was encouraging while I heard a noise suspiciously similar to a bone crunching behind his gentlemanly presence. Ignoring the scuffle, I dared to put my finger on the shiny exterior of the magnificent car. 

My skin touched the cool metal and a thrill of excitement went through me. Scattered iridescent glitters shone like diamonds under the light of day making it look like stars covering the night sky. 

I heard muffled struggle and lots of exhausted breathing but the Mercedes kept my attention until I heard a crash. Turning back I saw the two men in a compromising position without nothing but a raised eyebrow. They blushed like babies while trying to disentangle themselves from each other. 

A faint smile turned to full-blown laughter while I heard their measly and disturbingly giggle-worthy excuses. I couldn't help myself. They just looked so...flabbergasted and cute!

Soon after though, Iven gave me a wink before jumping in to call 'Shotgun'. Ever the gentleman, Zariel opened the door for me and I got in after pecking him on the cheek. He was blushing like a bride when we all packed inside of the air-conditioned vehicle. 

It was a quiet afternoon. The sun seemed to not bother Riel since it was setting. If it were midday we'd be in trouble or at least...I'd have to drive.

"So, where is this portal?"

I asked in a conversing manner. They were rather quiet about it for people who wanted me to believe in the supernatural. I saw on the back view mirror, Iven was looking all around in a silent sweep. Even Riel seemed to be on edge but his nonchalance did not betray him. 

A shiver went down my spine. The cult is following us...

"It's near the desert in the middle of a lavender field." 

"Really?" I was skeptical. "A lavender field in the middle of nowhere? Just where did you guys—"

There's a blockade of grenade in front!

"Push the gas now!"

Skin sizzling with a silvery glow, I failed to contain the bite in my voice before focusing on the threat. It all happen in slow-motion. A missile came out of nowhere emblazoned with The cult's symbol painted in a rough brown outline. 

They were trying to blow us out!

Anger coursed through my veins while I projected my will in a smooth motion. The missile slowed. Nodding in agreement, Iven charged and the car broke off to a sprint. 

In seconds we passed away before the missile detonated throwing debris everywhere. The shrapnel would've done something but the Benz was built to last, baby! 

Of Truth and Lies: Vampire Witch Romance Novella 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now