Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Liam Parker

It was almost perfect. The past had been finally behind us.

Sometimes, when I took her in my arms, I felt afraid that she would push me away. But she didn't. She never did. She would turn to me and smile at me.

How could she ever forgive me?

"What's on your mind?" she would ask sometimes and I would only smile at her and tell her not to mind it. Sometimes, I'm almost tempted to tell her what's been worrying me, but I always stop myself.

It was my problem, not hers. The world I belonged in... I can't drag her into it any longer. Especially not the triplets.

"Daddy, can we please go watch a movie with you?" Jacob asked. This caught the other two's attention and they came up to me too.

"Yeah! We never went to the movies with you." Jamie seconded as Jace nodded.

"Why not? Let's go on Saturday, alright? I still have a few work to finish." I explained, taking pieces of legos and connecting them.

"Mommy, did you hear that? We'll all go to the movies!" Jacob excitedly turned towards Iris who put her book down and smiled as she glanced at me.

And so Saturday came around and we went to the movies. Every moment I spent with my family was a scene that felt surreal. I never had moments like these as a kid. My parents were always busy, always working so we never really had time to do normal family stuff.

I used to envy my friends who went to the movies, the park, or even just eating dinner together.

Although that was the case, I never held it against my parents. I understood why they were so busy, I understood why they were working so hard. It was all for me, I knew that. But sometimes, I just wished we were normal.

And here I was, experiencing normal and so far, so great.

I never knew how much attention the triplets would get in public, but Iris seemed to be used to it and didn't mind any of them. And plus, I agreed with the onlookers. My kids were adorable, I would look too.

But that's until I saw them.

At first, it wasn't noticeable, but I quickly noticed them. I recognized one of them, my uncle's right-hand, Ramirez.

My heart stopped and I wanted to take my family out of there that very instant, but from the looks that Ramirez was sending me, I couldn't make a move. I looked around to see if he had more men with him, there were three more around the crowd.

Who knows how much more are with them.

I wanted to call Ezra and Mace right away, but doing just a simple gesture could get us in trouble.

No matter what will happen, I will protect my family.

We were in line to get some food and it was soon our turn to order. I kept my cool, or at least tried to, but Iris eyed me, as if asking if there's anything wrong.

"It's nothing. Let me just make a call." I tried to excuse myself. She started to look worried so I held her hand and rubbed the back of it, assuringly.

"Okay, we'll see you inside the cinema then?" she tried to ask without worry, but she already felt nervous. I smiled, nodding at her and left.

I looked towards Ramirez and signed him towards the exit. Thankfully, he understood. I had to get them away. 

As I exited the cinemas, I waited outside the line area for about five minutes before I saw the man walking out and timely putting his sunglasses on. 

I sat by a bench and took out my phone to make things look normal before he sat beside me. I kept my phone on my ear, pretending like I was talking on the phone. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, a cold and threatening voice, but instead of getting scared or intimidated, he laughed. 

"That's cute, but I'm just here to relay a message from your dear relatives." 

"Make it fast, Ramirez." The man chuckled once more. Although I was annoyed and wanted to beat him right there, I had to hold my rage off. 

I finally put the phone down and looked ahead of me. "The mafia... he wants full control of it. And some other small businesses." he said. 

Damn it all. 

My fists curled up in anger. Of course that's what he wants. He would stop at nothing just to get full control. He was a control freak after-all, he was power obsessed. 

My family tree was messed. A history of revenge against relatives over the control of the biggest mafia of Italia. I was blinded by it and so was my father, and so was my grandfather, and so were every other offspring of the Parker history. It was our fate.

When my father had realized that it was all pointless, he was going to give it all away to his siblings. See, he was a triplet too. And being the eldest triplet, he inherited the family business. But before he was able to give it all away, I took over, despite him not wanting me to enter into that kind of world. 

I didn't listen to him, of course. But that's when I started seeing what kind of world I had just entered in. It was a world full of violence, crime and injustice naturally, I knew that. But who knew it was that bad. 

Call me weak, but I couldn't stomach sitting in auction rooms as I see kidnapped children get bid for a price as low as a few grand. I couldn't handle seeing anymore young girls and young boys ripped off their homes just to become slaves. 

It was a dark world, hidden from the surface and deeply concealed. In those auction rooms sat famous politicians, celebrities and business men and women. 

Sure, I was cold in my own way, but I was still human. And those I saw in the underground world was definitely not human. 

"Tell him to find me in front of the Trevi fountain next Friday, 3pm." Was all I said and stood up and left. 

This is something I must do. My old life... I cannot go back into it anymore. 

I choose life. 


HI! Ohmygosh, I know. 

I haven't updated in almost two months. 

A lot of things has happened and it was all just hectic. I'm so sorry. I will try to update more since there are less than 10 chapters left to this story. 

Stay tuned!

Love y'all!

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