Chapter 2 How we Meet on that Rainy Afternoon

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~While I wanted this book to concluded on what happened a week after in the manga when Tsubaki escaped from the clutches of C3 as Mahiru Shirota and the others stopped them from capturing him on ch.39 The Hounds. I decided; differently, the few chapters will follow along with the anime, however as Tsubaki escapes that's when the others will know that there's a female eve of melancholy. And outside of her house, Misaki wears regular clothing such as street clothes, though inside or wanting to be comfortable she wears traditional dresses such as a kimono and others alike. This was about one month ago, before Mahiro found Kuro.~

Misaki's pov;

It was just another ordinary, yet dreary day for me on a rainy day. Until one day while walking away from the hospital where mother resides at, I found an oddly colored fox injured in an alley while I was going home. So I took it in and took care of him until he was healthy once more, and decided in the process of making him my pet.

"For now on I'll name you Ame for 'rain, ' little guy." By giving him a red leather collar, I have as an accessory for my clothing I gave him the name to announce the day on how we first met. My name's Misaki Bokuro, fifteen years old. Silver yet grayish waist-length hair and silver eyes, with the birthmark of the crescent moon with stars on the front of my left shoulder. And this became my story of what happened in my new life. And yet, in how I was somehow able to find love unpredictably.

Two weeks passed since the day that I've picked up the fox, without knowing that it wasn't a fox at all. Let alone an unordinary creature that I've managed to make a pet out of him. Especially since he had two tails instead of one with his abnormal fur color.


Misaki Bokuro Background; No other living relatives besides her parents. However, the father died from an accident while she was little. In a different school before she became fourteen years until now, residing in the same school as Mahiru Shirota.

Family in distant times has had an ancient secret since the start of their family line. Her mother owns a clothing shop which is a Japan-style building. For it was also, her residence since she was little that makes yukatas, kimonos, and all sorts of fashion wear where now Misaki is the clothing maker when she has free time from the kendo club.

With silver eyes and hair that shine when the sun hits them, c-cup breasts with a blood type of AB-negative; the rarest of all blood type, practically a straight A student with B+ grades at the time, and an outgoing personality but very serious when it comes to something that needs attention. Along with having a deep grudge when someone makes her angry, they see her as a demon, however, to have a mother/big sister personality when it comes to children or animals they see her as a beloved angel. An excellent fighter in martial arts and member of the kendo club.

Gets along fine with Tsubaki's subclasses especially Otogiri and Higan who she treats like a sister and Uncle. Although at times Shamrock is like a second father to her. When Misaki is seen with Tsubaki and his subclasses, she wears a black cloak-like raincoat with stylish black boots like Licht that hides her figure and face, and yet once she talks others immediately know that she's a woman.

When summoning her weapon(s), the chains only appear when she brings out her claws. Because of this, others do not know that she's Tsubaki's eve but another subclass.

~That's all I have on Misaki for now, till then.~


Misaki's pov;

It's been a while since I went out by myself without looking after Ame or mom. Once school's over, maybe I should bring him over to the hospital more often in keeping her company since we're having a Sports Day next week. And following the upcoming months from a few weeks till then, there's also the School festival and after that, finally summer vacation. Good thing I also practice from home once I'm done with everything else.

"Miss Bokuro?"

"Yes, Teacher?" ~I don't know anything about their teachers, the classroom names, or the name of their school since it wasn't previewed much. It's a problem. However, Misaki has different classes from Mahiru and his friends.~

"Kindly give these documents over to Mahiru Shirota from the next class over?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

(Mahiru Shirota; fifteen years of age and the guy who likes to keep things simple with his three best friends. There's Sakuya Watanuki; the green-hair boy who's also the comedian of the group. Koyuki; the brown-hair guy that's like a mother to the three. And finally, Ryusei; the blonde-hair tough guy who's a national at soccer. How interesting they are indeed, especially Mahiru.)

"Excuse me, Teacher, I'm Misaki Bokuro from the next few class over. I'm here to give Mahiro Shirota some important documents to the other staff members."

Seeing that the teacher would know that I would like a second hand in delivering paperwork Mahiro was called from his seat to help me. While walking through the corridors together Mahiro introduced himself to me since this became our first time in meeting one another.

"Mahiru Shirota's the name, and like to keep things simple is my game. How do you do?"

"The name's Misaki Bokuro, and I'm doing great thanks for asking Mahiru. And I know that you like to keep things simple, you kinda have a reputation for that going around the school haha."

"Haha really, that's kind of embarrassing."

"But I've always wondered why."

"Why what, Misaki?"

"Why do always carry so much of a burden around by also taking care of things that nobody else wants to do? Don't you at least find it annoying?"

Servamp; The Eve of Melancholy (Mahiru x Oc)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu