Chapter 5 - surprise visitor

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When the next day came, i found out from the doctors that Hunter is now stable. Dean was bring me round now to see him.

"How is he?" i asked the doctor as i walked in, he smiled. I would think they were getting annoyed at the amount of times i ask if Hunter is okay.

"Hunter is still weak but is getting stronger every day" he said, i couldn't help a few fears fall down my face, they weren't sad tears but happy.

"my little fighter" i told Hunter, i held his hand, " your so beautiful my baby boy".

He opened his eyes and stared right at me, his eyes were glazed over but they were so beautiful, the doctors started fussing saying this is his first time opening his eyes, i couldn't help but smile as my little boy was looking at me. He didn't want to look at anyone else as they came to check on him, his eyes were locked with mine.


I was feeding Annabelle as i was watching Mia flap her arms up and down, she was wide awake, and very alert for only being born.

Dean had went home for the day to get some rest as he had work but said he would be back after. I saw James a few times that day but i was on my own most of the day with 2 babies to look after. Lets just say i thought i was losing my mind.

"Please Mia stop crying" i said softly as Annabelle and Mia were both Screaming, i had Annabelle in my arms and was trying to get her to stop crying as well as Mia in her bed. I pressed the button for a nurse to come in and help, she soothed Mia and Annabelle in no time, i sighed.

"I cant do this, am going to be a terrible mother and that's just the two, i don't know how am going to handle having hunter crying too" i admitted to her.

"Don't worry, if you just get into a routine everything will be fine, and since you have a partner he will help" she said smiling.

"he's always at work now a days" i said looking at her, i felt tears run down my face.

"How  am i meant to look after three babies at the same time, i just cant do it" i cried, she cradled me till i stopped.

"I think you will be a great mother" she said, she had to get back to work so left me with the babies who were now fast asleep in the beds.

"Could you take it easy on mummy please" i said to them both before lying down on my bed and closing my heavy tired eyes.

I woke up to the sound of crying, i jumped at the sight of a tall dark man hovering over my babies, i growled loudly in defense, the man turned around and looked me straight in the eyes. my heart stopped.

"Daddy?" i said feeling my voice crack, he smiled.

"Its only a short visit" he said walking over, he hugged me then looked back at the babies.

"Twins huh?" he said looking proud, i don't know why he kicked me out, if hes going to love them why cant he bring me home to help me.

"Triplets" i corrected him, he looked back at me.

"Don't tell me the other died? Oh am sorry"

"No, he's in intensive care. He is very weak but growing stronger everyday" i said, i found myself smiling at the man i used to look up to.

" Oh, whats his name?" he asked.

"Hunter, and that's Annabelle and Mia" i pointed at my girls, "How did you know i was here?" i asked.

" I look in now and then" he said shrugging it off.

Annabelle started crying again, i got up and walked over to her and picked her up, she opened her little eyes and looked at me, she stopped crying once i held her close.

"Could i?" i looked at my dad who was hovering over Mia, i nodded and he picked her up.

"She's beautiful, sit on the bed and ill take a picture of you all" he said i did as he said and he handed me Mia and made sure i had them both before stepping back and pulled out his phone and took a picture.

"Would i be able to see Hunter?" he asked.

"he's not strong enough to have outside visitors yet,sorry" i said, he nodded and took Mia and cuddled her for a while, he asked me to take a picture with his phone so i did.

"I have to go now or the Alpha will be wondering where i went" i nodded, he put Mia back in her bed and walked over to be, kissing me on my head.

"Will i see you again dad?" i asked, he shook his head.

"no but i will see you, love you baby girl" he said before walking out.

"love you daddy" i whispered.

I put Annabelle in her bed and buzzed the button, a nurse appeared within a few minutes.

"Am going to see my son, could you watch them?" i asked, she nodded and smiled.

I headed round to see Hunter, who was still hooked up to lots of tubes.

"Hows he doing?" i asked.

"The same since a few hours ago". I smiled then went and sat next to him, i started talking about his granddad.

"your granddad is a brave and strong man, and he will always love you, you might never meet him but he will love you always"



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