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"Hold up, they think she cheated? Just because she did better then the rest of the class?" Jessica rages from across the table, I nod my head in a sad yes manor. "That's totally bull!" Jessica almost seems more furious with the situation then me.

"We've got to figure out how to prove she's innocent." Eric stated. We all look at him. "What?"

"Thanks captain odvious," I say with a fake  smile gear to him. "Now how do you suppose we do such a thing?" I question him. Her shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Come on Dustin," Jessica says standing up from her seat at the table, I look to her confused," lets go we haven't got all day." She says again.

I quickly stand up to join her and follow her through the crowds of the students from the school. "What is your plan Jess?" I ask her as I continue to follow her as she leads us in the door and through the school.

"We are going to talk to the principal about this, it's absolutely ridiculous."

Alright, at least she had a plan and wasn't just going in completely blind. Once we get to the front office jessica asks to see Mr. Whermire immediately.

The receptionist tells us to sit down, he'll be with us in a moment. We take our seats on the crappy and uncomfortable chairs. The kid that no mater how you sit, you're practically sitting on concrete.

"Jess what's the in depth plan here?" I ask her still confused and left out of the game plan here.

"Ugh," she sighs and looks right at me, "we have to figure out why they think she cheated, and I need more then 'well she did better then the rest of the class'"she says in a stupid voice, mocking the principal no doubt. "Like since when are kids punished for working hard for their grade?" She slumps back in the chair sending her rant with a huff. She's so mad right now that I think o see smoke spilling from her ears.

"He'll see you two now, go right in." The lady behind the counter says to us and starts to ping is in the direction of his office.

I put my hand up to holt her instructions, "don't worry I know my way." I smile cockily at her and Jess of course rolls her eyes.

"Cool it lover boy, you've got a girlfriend and that lady is literally 67." She says annoyed and passing me to pull me to the principals office.

We knock on the door,"come on in," he says from behind it. Jess and I step in and sit down at the two chairs across from him.

"Sir, I'm sorry to intrude on your day but, we have a few questions?" Jess starts.

"Concerning?" He asks putting a few papers aside and folding his hands into one another, leaning in the top of his desk.

"Hadley Penderson sir." I tell him. He takes a sigh and leans back in his chair from his previous position.

"I don't see why you should be concerned with her." He says. Jess and I look at one another and we both look hurt and upset not just for us but for Hadley.

"I'm sorry sir, we understand that you've kicked her out due to a accusation that she cheated on a recent math test?" Jessica says, she sounds extremely professional. I definitely need to tell her to maybe think about being a lawyer, I think she'd be really good at it.

"That doesn't concern you two." He says then turns again to start doing on his computer. "Thank you for your concern." He says like we're leaving or something.

"Why do you have to kick her out? Any other kid is found cheating and they get a detention or two, a suspension of a couple days or even have to do some extra credit work, why do you have to kick her out entirely?"

I think of the same question but then I remember just as he opens his mouth to respond, "this school has a very strict contract with scholarship recipients, cheating is not tolerated under any stance and is taken seriously as a violation of the agreement. Therefore for breaking that line she must be permanently removed from the district." He says it so easily, like this wasn't important to Hadley. It disgusts me. I look to Jess and see her with a shocked look, remembering that she didn't know that Hadley was attending the school on full scholarship.

"What prof do you have!" I ask starting to get really mad. They kicked her out without reason. I ball my hands into fists filled with rage.

"Another student told us of her suspension on ms. Penderson, union review and how her grade had never been that high in that math class in particular and all of a sudden a 100 pops up, we found that fact especially convincing of the act." He states. "Now if you kids  would excuse me please."

"But.." jessica starts to protest but is cut off.

"Thank you." He says to us again and waves us goodbye.

We left that office more frustrated then when we went in. Someone had lied and I needs to find out who. Jessica and I both leave the office feeling slightly defeated, she heads to her locker and I start heading to my car, I'm not in a school mood.

When I get to the parking lot I see someone standing near my car. I can't tell who it is from here so I walk a bit faster to get closer faster. Upon getting nearer, I see it's some girl, she looks kinda familiar but nothing's ringing a bell.

"Can I help you with something?" I ask still angry from the sting of Whermire.

"Not really, but I think I might be able to help you." She says slyly. What's he getting at. She's dressed like she about ready to hit the club, the heck is she? I must still look confused as hell. "I know how to get your little ...Hadley, is it, back in school." She says.

The fire lights in me, how does she know? I clench my jaw and ball my fists. "What you getting at?" I almost growl.

"All you have to do, is finish what we started what a couple months ago?" She says, I'm still trying to place my finger on who exactly she is. "Rebecca remember?" She asks me, getting really close and running her hand down my chest, I grab her hand to stop her. No way am I doing this.

Then it hits me, she's Riley or Rachel or whatever, her name was Rebecca, now I remember. Oh my got the snake. She is using  me against Hadley! She's jealous. Not gonna lie, did not see this one coming, Kate maybe this, not so much.

"We didn't start anything, we were nothing." I say dryly. Eyes filled with furry.

"Don't be so modest Dustin, you and I both know that if Hadley hadn't stepped in the way we'd of been benefiting for at least two weeks, I'm pretty good." She smiles a cocky grin, disgusting.

"Listen Rachel," I start.

"Rebecca," she says sternly. Wiggling her way out of my hold.

"Whatever! All I was ever gonna do with you was make out so technically I did finish what we started, for your information I don't sleep with freshman." I scoff at her. "Now go to the principal and tell him you straight up lied."  I practically yell at her. 

"Now Dustin, you know I can't do that, that takes away all the fun. How about we just slip into your car and get this done and over with, then we can put this all behind us?" She says, I'm practically frozen in place, she slides her hand into my pocket and grabs my keys, unlocking my doors. She slides into the passenger side and pats the drivers seat.

This is a possibility terrible position to be in. I want Hadley to get what she deserves, a great education and not to be punished for things she never did, but I don't want to do this. I can't, but Hadley.

I'm having an internal war with myself. How am I to even know if whatever her name is is actually going to come clean or if she's just doing this to wrap me around her Stupid finger? I can never know.

"Lover boy," she says after I've spent to long thinking. "I promise I'll come clean, just after I have my turn like every other girl you've dated."

I hate this, I already regret it.

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