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I knew I was letting my tormentors win when I got changed in the boys' bathroom down the hall from the locker room the next day at practice, but I couldn't find it in me to care. Since yesterday, I hadn't felt safe around my teammates. If one of them could get violent with me on the ice in front of our coaches, then who knows what they could do to me in the privacy of the locker room.

I waited until a minute before practice officially started to sprint down the hall to the locker room. Thankfully, it was empty and I was able to get my skates on and head out to the ice without trouble. The team was gathered at center ice when I got there and I snuck up behind them without getting noticed.

Or so, I thought. Fox glared at me from the front of the group, but didn't say anything to interrupt Coach Silva or draw attention to me. When we dispersed to do drills, Fox skated closely next to me.

"You were late," he said in a low tone.

"I know," I replied, trying to distance myself from him.

"Don't make a habit out of it," Fox answered as he followed me over to the drill station.

Little did he know I planned on doing that for the rest of the season. Thankfully, Coach Silva had us doing drills and exercises throughout practice, omitting the scrimmage game. When practice ended, I stayed behind while the rest of the team entered the locker room.

"Something wrong, Ellis?" Coach Silva asked in a concerned tone. "Are any of the boys giving you trouble?"

I shook my head. "How long does the rink stay open?"

"I think they close it around eight on week nights, why?" Coach responded confusedly.

"I want to skate for a little while," I told him to which he nodded and disappeared down the tunnel toward his office.

I absentmindedly skated around the rink after placing my helmet down on the bench. The air blew through my hair, whispering in my ear as I glided back and forth on the rink. I was so distracted, I hadn't noticed Josh make his way out to the bench dressed in his clothes and seemingly ready to go home.

Josh cleared his throat loudly, causing me to snap my head toward him. I had completely forgotten that Josh would be waiting for me after practice. I sent him an apologetic look and skated over to the bench.

"I'll be ready in a few minutes," I told him, stepping off the ice.

"Why are you still out here?" he asked me, slightly quirking his head to the side in question.

"I just wanted to skate a little bit," I murmured as I made my way to the locker room, Josh following behind me.

Before entering the locker room, I poked my head in to make sure most of the team had left. My action didn't go unnoticed by Josh as I head him scoff from behind me.

"What, are you afraid of the team now because of yesterday?" he asked incredulously, giving me a disbelieving look.

I entered the room without answering him and quickly made my way to my locker. I didn't have to answer for him to know what he said was true.

"They're not going to do anything," Josh tried consoling me, "And it's just a few of them that think that stuff about you, most of them don't care."

"It doesn't matter Josh," I replied in annoyance. I didn't want to talk to him about this. It was embarrassing enough without having to discuss it with Josh.

Josh left me alone to get dressed and I met him out at the car a few moments later. I was sure to put my earbuds in so that he wouldn't be compelled to start a conversation with me. When we got home, I went straight up to my room and showered soon after. I was sitting at my desk, doing my homework when my father knocked on my door.

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