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Disha's POV:

We reached their office and I took a deep breath before entering the office. We met Rishabh, the queen aka my grandmother and the monster himself Mr. Vikram Singh.

We presented our plan in front of them for next couple hours and they all looked impressed. As the meeting came to an end we signed a contract with them. When we were about to leave Mr. Vikram asked me to stay back to discuss something. I asked Dad and Shourya to wait for me at hotel.

Shourya nodded at me understanding our plan is coming into action finally.

I got back in Mr. Vikram's office and he asked me have a seat on the sofa at the corner of his office. I sat there, he locked his office door and I looked at him.

"Don't worry I just need to talk to you something personal." He said and sat on a chair opposite to me.

I didn't say anything and just nodded at him. He looked at me, his eyes showed mixed emotions, for a second I thought I saw longing in them but then the next second I saw something else and I averted my gaze.

"Disha.. Can I call you Disha instead of Mrs. Mehra?" He asked me and I again nodded in agreement.

"So Disha I heard your parents died very recently, I am so sorry about it." He said looking at me.

"Its alright. They had a car accident." I was a little sad and angry about him mentioning my parents, but I hid my emotions. He was the one who made them kill themselves.

"I am sorry, it must be hard on you and your brother. But I want to let you know since I saw you I see a daughter in you and if ever in life you or Nikhil need anything or any help you can always count on me. I am like a father to you and will be there for you." He said and I was confused with his words.

Does he really mean what he said? Is he pretending to be concerned to get what he want? Can I really trust him after all he had done to his wife and my parents?

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard him calling my name.

"Disha I need to tell you something, it might sound weird to you but your parents adopted you and your brother from my late wife. You both are my children I never knew about whom until I saw you last week." He said and did the trick. He himself answered all my questions. I definitely cant trust him when he is still lying on my face.

"WHAT? What kind of joke is that? I understand you don't have children and you might want some but please don't say anything random about my dead parents and your dead wife." I pretended as if I don't know the truth and he is some crazy person talking bullshit.

"I am not talking anything random dear, we can do DNA testing to prove it. I am your biological father. Your biological mother was friends with your mother Mrs. Rekha Khanna, my wife started having some mental imbalance and she gave away you, Nikhil away to her along with some important things that belong to the palace to Mr. & Mrs. Khanna. You have no idea how I have lived all these years thinking I don't have any children and now when I found out what my dead wife did behind my back I don't know what to do anymore. All I need is what belongs to me, you, Nikhil and whatever my dead wife gave to your mother." He said with anger in his eyes but pleading voice.

If I didn't know the entire truth I would be deceived by him by now but since I know what kind of person he is and what he wants from me, I will not be fooled.

"Listen I am Sorry for what you have felt but I need time to digest this. And what do you mean my mom took things from your wife that belonged to palace?" I said acting confused and frustrated to make him believe I don't know anything and play him.

"Sure I understand you need time to accept this harsh reality and I am fine waiting for you both, its not that I am dying tomorrow but I hope I don't have to wait that long. There were few things like some jewelry, some expensive gifts and a key to an important place where most of important documents and treasure was kept. That key belonged to the eldest child of the family through generations. You are the rightful owner of it but I want to pass it on to you with proper ceremony once you accept your real family." He said creating this stupid story who anyone can catch.

"Enough is enough Mr. Vikram Singh. You think you can fool me with all your lies? Listen I don't know where that key belongs to but I am not going to give it you since I know you forced my parents to make them kill themselves for that key. What did you think I didn't know anything? My parents told me everything before dying." I said angrily as I couldn't take anymore of his nonsense and I had to anger him too.

He looked at me and then smirked.

"And what did you think I thought you will agree that easily I know you are a stubborn girl just like your biological mother, that bitch. She killed my family and I killed her. Anyways I don't care about her or her puppies you and Nikhil but I need that key at any cost. And mind me that cost will be very heavy for you. Just let me remind you last time your brother was saved but this time he will not be saved. He is with my men as we speak, so its better you be a good girl as you have been most of your life and do as I say." He said smirking at me.

"You are a monster, you are not a father. You can never be a father." I shouted hearing he has Nick. How dare he touch Nick, I will kill him.

"Well I am your father whether you like it or not. And I want that key, If you don't give it to me then Nikhil's death will be on you. And let me remind you it will not just end with Nikhil, next in line will be your beloved husband, then his parents, then your friends, it won't end until you handover what belongs to me." He said threatening me, his eyes completely red now with anger.

"Why is that key so important that you don't hesitate to kill your own son for it?" I asked with tears in my eyes. We thought we will get his confession pretending I don't know the truth but he is one step ahead of us and Nick is in danger now.

"My son? You both are only my kids for name, I never loved that woman, I made her pregnant to send her away, if you were not born from her womb I would have probably loved you both but I know you will be her children after all you have her blood in your veins. Now be a responsible sister and meet me tonight at the road to Jaigarh palace alone with the key and I will make sure your brother goes home without a scratch." He said and a tear escaped my eye. I can't risk Nick's life for people who are no more around.

I picked up my bag and left from there in hurry. I took a cab to hotel. As I reached the hotel room, I could hear Dad and Shourya discussing something seriously but I wasn't interested in hearing their discussion, my mind was all over the place. All I wanted was for Nick to be safe, after my parents death I only have him, Shourya and Mom-Dad is all I have got, I cant afford to lose any of them.

My Partner in Crime #Wattys2019Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon