GHOST With A Great Closeness

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I became a GHOST by

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I became a GHOST by

thinking if I robbed a lonely mother .

I could steal her money,

and buy a mansion by the Grassy trees.

It is important to think that a GHOST offers

protection as well as escape.

An ark in dreams often represent optimism

and promise development,

to apply this to realty ;the boat is an

escape mechanism from life's troubles

and fears.

Dreaming of the live humans in an ark,

becomes a vessel for those who are trying

to escape


When is it morally right to profit after


This book is already under scrutiny

because it was wrote so soon after the

devastating shipwreck.

The shipwreck had humans turning to

cannibalism and other heinous acts to

survive after a tragedy.

Disaster can make the best of people

become animalistic,

and drowning is said to be one of the

worst ways to die.

The GHOSTS today represents optimism as

they give the passenger a feeling that

they might survive.

The reverence of ark seems to be the link

between the humans and GHOSTS .

The GHOST symbolizes decay,

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