Chapter 25: Third Life - Crimson Snow Valley

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Senior Yue asked me for a playful match to showcase our skills. She knew I had improved. The reason was because Master recently taught me some new techniques. I liked Senior Yue. She never used my relationship with Master against me, treating me truly like a Junior. I didn't care what the others said, although Master's favor caused me to become ostracized. Senior Yue wasn't my good sister, but someone who respected me, and I her.

It wasn't that I was special from the start. Master didn't even know who I was. She didn't care for me when I first came to Crimson Snow Valley. As the only female Immortal Sect in the pugilistic world, Master was selective of students she took under her wing. She was not only my Master, but Sect Leader as well. I worked hard to prove to her, and everyone else that I was worthy of being in Crimson Snow Valley.

I was ten when I came to Crimson Snow Valley Sect. My village was pillaged by a group of outlaws. Those men... they were disgusting, violent, and ruthless. So I killed them.

All seventeen of them were gleeful to come across our little village. We were brewers. We made rice wine and sold it to cities all over the country. After eliminating all the innocents they could find, they turned their attention to drink the night away. Camping out in the center of the village, their burning bonfire of human remains highlighted the shadows of their end. I walked out from my house, silently unsheathing one of the man's sword, and as if mimicking their sins, I killed them same way they killed my family.

When Officers from the next town over arrived in the morning, they saw me absentmindedly kneeling in the village's center, surrounded by the bloody corpses. They couldn't believe, that a child would be able to kill all those men single-handedly. They were scared of me.

After that, no one wanted to take me in. They were scared that I was a demon child, capable of cold blooded murder, even though I merely took revenge on those who destroyed my family, destroyed my life. With no where to turn to, I made my way to Crimson Snow Valley. Through weeks of traveling in the wild, hiking through mountains, I finally arrived at the path leading to the entrance of the sect.

The valley was protected by a dome of defense, making it hard for intruders to penetrate. Unable to pass through the shield, I waited on the path, just hoping that someone would come through. Days went by, and no one did. Until a tall figure in all white wearing a hat with netted coverings approached.

"Greetings, are you headed to Crimson Snow Valley?" I asked.

The figure held her head high, and said, "What of it?"

"May I go with you?"

"Just why would I want to do that?"

"Because... Because I want to join the Crimson Snow Valley sect."

"Why do you want to join this sect?"

"I have no where else to go. Everyone's afraid of me."

"Why are people afraid of a little thing like you?"

"Because I've killed and I don't feel guilt."

I couldn't tell if the Martial Arts Hero was smiling or contemplating about what I had just confessed because she didn't say anything for a long time.

"What's your name?"

"Luo-- Luo Na Li," I stuttered.

"Luo Na Li? Fine, I'll let you in. Do you swear your allegiance and loyalty to Sect Leader Zhao?"

"I swear!"

"Very well. Follow me."

Using her right hand, she waved from the left to the right casting a light to tear into the glowing barrier. As she walked through, I followed closely behind.

I didn't know at the time, but the person who led me through the barrier was Master. But from that day on, I never saw her until the second year of me being at Crimson Snow Valley.

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