10 | Something Else

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As soon as my feet cross the threshold of the pack house, Aimee is beside me. I expect her to start ranting about Nathan and his father, or badgering me about wanting to know every last word that was said back there.

When she doesn't, I'm shocked.

We get a few meters through the village, walking down the main path between the houses, before she finally opens her mouth.

"Alpha Andre is a controlling, unpleasant, condescending bastard just like his son is."

I breathe out a sigh of relief that she's not gone ill. Here comes the rant I've been anticipating.

"But I do agree with him."

I choke. I physically choke. "You what?!"

"Just hear me out," she holds up her hands, coming to a dead stop in the middle of the pathway and turning to me. She sounds like a peacekeeper now; using that soft, overly reasonable voice to try to cover up the actual meaning of her words.

"The Exiled Alpha is dangerous. It'd be best if you stay away from him. Who knows what the hell he'll do to you," she reasons.

I stare at her blankly, wide eyed and mouth open. I wait for her to start laughing, to elbow me in the ribs and say she's only joking.

But she never does.

It'd be best if you...

That phrase goes right through me. It'd be best if you keep your mouth shut. It'd be best if you'd just do what you're told. It'd be best if you just learn your place.

A hesitant fear crosses Aimee's face and she continues talking with her hands, speaking calmly, "All I'm saying is I've heard things and just... Watch your tongue. The wolf's not stable."

"Do you think it's your turn to move the chess piece?" I accuse hotly, the initial shock subsiding to anger.

Her gaze locks me down on the spot, like a mother getting ready to scold her child.

"Don't be an idiot," she squints at me. "I'm trying not to get you killed. Whatever motives he has, they weren't formulated with the consideration of anyone else."

I don't respond immediately and I find my eyes resting on her, contemplating her perspective.

I don't know his motives. And I don't know his intentions for our pack. There's no argument that I can truthfully use against her here.

As if realizing she's won, her voice softens and quiets.

"You weren't here when he took over Balaige. The rumors we heard were nightmarish. We had no idea if they were true or not, but that only made it worse. And then, nothing. It all stopped," she snaps her fingers, "like that."

She pauses, taking an anxious breath.

"And then we got the word of his exile. You saw the effects of that. The fear," her eyes flit to the ground and back to me, "I'm begging you, Adrienne. Stay away."

Her argument is valid, I'll give her that. Yet I still can't find the fear within me that everyone else has.

I ask, curiously, "What makes him any more dangerous than any other power hungry Alpha?"

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