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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom, 1820.

The attackers were getting closer and closer, the Kingdom seems to slowly be crumbling under the stone and mortar. Yet the people fought to protect their home, No one backed down and continued fighting trying to keep obscurity forest from other grasp others. The magic the forest held was far too dangerous if held in the wrong hands.

The King and Queen made sure to take Prince Silas to a safe place before the attackers arrived at the forest. The King spoke with his Queen of an idea he had thought of, however, it would not guarantee their safety only their lineage to the throne of the forest. They both agreed that it would be best to go with the idea to be sure that the forest at least stays within their family line instead of being taken by outsiders. The King went down the flight of stairs that led to a cave at the heart of the forest.

There was a large blue gem hidden by some roots, that gem held the ultimate power of the forest, it helped the trees grow larger than normal ones, it calmed the wildest of the beast, it maintains the order in the forest and the life of the forest. Without the gem and its power than the forest would die and the animals would go berserk. The gem was the law to the forest and it would be the only way to keep the King in the throne if the gem and King were one an the same. The gems location was only known by the King and by his Adviser, His adviser was a high-level magic user and with anticipation of this attack had been working in an infusion spell that would infuse the magic of the gem to the Kings bloodline.

The gems power now in the King and in the Prince left nothing but a small stone in the gems place. Because of this the King now had total control of the forest and was able to control the forest in his favor. The Night Kingdom won the war but it still lost its, people greatly. there were many casualties in the kingdom and though the king and prince were now quite strong they were connected to the forest not just in strength but in weakness. If forest suffered so did the King and if the King suffered so did the forest.

Throughout the years' people began making cities and pushing the forest back each time. Prince Silas took the throne as soon as his father died and gained the full power of the forest. In order to protect the forest from being completely destroyed, he put in place a law that forbids growing cities from pushing the forest further. Though the Night Kingdom now was made up of main cities and town the forest was the heart of the Kingdom. 

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