Chapter 38

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I run along beside Reggie our team leader. My legs burn and feet ache. I don't think any of us have ran this long in human form.

Everyone stop! Their pack is just up ahead. Stop, rehydrate, rest, we attack in thirty minutes be ready. My brother instructs us all. We had broken into our groups a hundred miles ago. So everyone is in place all we had to do was charge forward and attack.

"Everyone have water?" Reggie the team leader asked. A unison of soft 'yes' were heard. Reggie nods his head. We all drowned down our water and rested for ten minutes before he ushered us to gather around, "ok guys. The goal is to get Everly inside. Everly, I was instructed to tell everyone the full in depth detailed plan of Unit A," I nodded my head, "Alpha Jonathan lended us some of his troops. There are a hundred heads add to each team. They should be here any minutes, but you Everly are going to wait until you hear the grenades go off. Your going to wait even after that. We are going to be the first one to attack then the others will attack. Your going to wait ten minutes after the others go off. There is going to be so much chaos we're gonna confuse them. Get them all scrambled up. No one goes inside the pack we're going to draw them all out. Through all the chaos your going to sneak in. Word from our spy is that Luna is the dungeon. In the middle of the pack there is a huge house, it's white. Go inside find the kitchen. On the left wall of the kitchen there is a door that is always kept locked. Your going to have to break it. From the time that you break down the door your going to have five minutes to locate the Luna and get her out before the guards get there," I nodded my head processing the information.

"Got it?" He asked.

"Got it."

"Ok good," we heard soft footsteps behind us, "there they are now."

"My name's Kiera, I'm from alpha Jonathan's pack here to assist Team A," Reggie nods his head and shakes the girls hand. The girl has long red hair and pale skin. She looks fragile. To fragile to be in this line of work.

"Kiera, I'm Reggie. Leader of team A Have you been briefed?"

She nods her head, "Yes, we come with supplies and more ammunition."

Reggie nods his head, "Great. We attack in ten. Tell your guys to rest, and rehydrate," Kiera nods her head. Our two groups mix as Alpha Jonathan's pack mingles with ours.

Mean while I count down the seconds until I own my bones. I'm nothing more than confident that I will succeed in my part. Grab Zaria and get the hell out. That's all I have to do.

You ok sister? Oliver mind links me.

Never been better. Emilija is itching for blood. I drown down some more water.

You know the plan? I roll my eyes.

Of course I know the plan. Sneaky bro, to get alpha Jonathans pack to help us.

Couldn't come without back up little sis. He wanted to keep everything under wraps, but of course he couldn't not tell his best alpha friend Jonathan. With Jonathan being well Jonathan of course he'd want to help. He's had a fair share of rouges trying to take his human mate.

Team A. Move out. The order came suddenly. Thirty minutes had gone by so fast. Everyone pats my shoulder as they moves out full speed ahead.

I waited for the first blow. It came ten minutes later. I pulled out my knife and moved forward slowly waiting for two more. Fighting could be heard even at my distance of about 360 feet.

The second blow happened followed by the third. I quickened my pace waiting to strike. Sting like a bee, float like a butterfly. I hopped back and forth on my feet to get my blood pumping.

Silver flowed through my veins. I am a beast. Without another thought I went forward full speed. When I hit the battle field I strike people from the opposing pack down.

They didn't see me coming as I shot through the gates. Everyone inside was focused on getting out so they didn't notice when I made my way though. I slipped through the people going in the opposite direction. Getting past the crow I go to the center of the pack where their pack house can be found.

The inside is empty. Everyone who was not fighting must've been hiding taking cover somewhere. At last I got to the pack house two guards stood outside. I shook my head a charged for them. They shifted and snarled out me, but didn't move away from the door.

I smirked and slowed my speed in one swift motion I pulled my gun out of the holster aimed and shot two rounds. I hit the fist wolf and he whimpered laying down. The second wolf continued to snarl at me. I growled back then aimed and shot again.

Shooting out the whole barrel I couldn't seem to hit the wolf. He ran in zigzagged pattern towards me. Throwing the gun to the floor I attacked him pinning him by his neck. He bared his teeth trying to bite my arm as I took my arms and tightened them around his neck. In one swift motion I snapped his neck and let his limp body fall to the ground.

I wiped my hands off that were, covered in blood and fur, onto my pants. Walking into the house I start to search for the kitchen. When I had finally found it I located the door. Only it wasn't locked as they said it would be. I cursed under my breathe and slowly walked towards it.

Opening the already crack door I carefully walk down the steep steps. The white light above head flickered. I got to the bottom of the steps only to find the basement is empty.

Everly in media above.

Comment ship names for Oliver & Zaria
Bethany & Kyle
I will feature the ship name I like most with a chapter shout out and dedication!!

Choose which one is your favorite!!  (Also tag the wattpader that came up with the name)
The names people have came up with so far:

Kany (Bethany & Kyle)
Bethyle (Bethany & Kyle)
Byle (Bethany & Kyle)
Kythle (Bethany & Kyle)
Betle (Bethany & Kyle)

Olza (Zaria & Oliver)
Zoliver (Zaria & Oliver)
Olaria (Zaria & Oliver)
Oz (Zaria & Oliver)
Zarver (Oliver & Zaria)
Zarre (Zaria & Oliver)

My sisters boyfriend. My mate. (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant