Tragedy Strikes- Chapter Four

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" Going out for the night!" Carita called into the room where the three men were all starring down a t three different books, the way that they had been all day long.

" Okay." Bobby called though Carita knew that he had not heard a word of anything that she had been saying.

" Wait!" Dean said, standing up and instantly going to the door. " Where are you going off to?" He asked, getting Sam's attention as well.

" Oh, I'm just going to see some friends who came into the area, kids from school that are out on winter break." Carita smiled lightly as she hoped that it would work.

" Some friends, huh? Well what are you going to do?" Dean threw her a smile back, he could see right through Carita's lies.

" We're just going to go out to dinner, most likely just go back to see their families who have been wanting to see me, nothing too bad. Is that alright with you?" Carita asked as she looked him right in the eyes.

" Well. . ."

" Dean, just let her go." Sam said in the background.

" Yeah boy, let her go out and see some friends, it's not like she can do much damage 'round here." Bobby, who had still not looked up from his books, said.

" Okay, just make sure that you will be safe and call me if anything goes wrong." Dean said and Carita laughed, pulling up the back of her shirt to show a handgun between her jeans and her skin.

" Trust me Dean, I think that I can handle myself if anything were to go wrong." She smiled as she pulled her keys out of her leather jacket. " My mom made sure to make sure I knew how to shoot a gun."

" I remember that from what we saw last night." Dean laughed.

Carita was standing right in front of the man that she had known before, someone who had come right into her own dreams before and spoke to her. She had last seen him many years ago, speaking to her in a dream that she had, telling her things that she had to make sure that her mother would do. Carita had thought of him as an imaginary friend, someone who she had just come up with that no one else could see, so when she was him in front of her, she acted on it. She shot him three times, hitting the man all three times; once in the heart, one in the man, and the last right above the heart. She thought that the man would fall to the floor, gasping for air, but he just stood and smiled at the man. Carita took aim once again as Dean placed his hand on the girls arm, they were all screaming at her.

" Well hello Carita." Castiel smiled as he looked down at his shirt.

" Castiel." Carita hissed, still holding the gun at him.

" Wait! You two know each other?" Dean questioned.

" I thought that he was someone that I has just made up when I was a kid! He came into my dreams regularly, and now you are trying to tell me that this freak is someone that you know!" Carita said as she placed her finger on the trigger.

" You knew that Dean had a kid?" Sam asked, getting up from his seat.

" Yes, she was being protected from anything that her mother could have brought home, she is of good use to the angels." This made Carita put his gun to her side.

" Angels?" She asked, nearly stunned.

" You knew I had a kid Cas and never thought to just mention that? You never thought to just give a guy a heads up about being a father to someone?" Dean was now the one that was getting angry. " Someone that you know and have spoken to before!"

" Dean, I was under orders to make sure that the child was safe and not hurt, I was told not to tell you about the child until the time was right." Castiel answered.

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