{7 Doctor's appointment

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{7 Doctor's appointment

Your POV

''Y/N'' A woman in a white coat called your name.

You had listened to your friends and made an appointment at the doctor's office. You were lucky someone had canceled and you were able to come on the same day that afternoon. So after the class, you went to see the doctor.

''So Y/N'' The doctor asked, ''What seems to be the problem?''

You told the doctor about your insomnia and the pain in your ankle that would suddenly appear and disappear within seconds.

First, she inspected your ankle putting pressure on certain points and moving it around asking you if it hurt anywhere, it didn't.

''When did this all start?'' She asked when she had finished inspecting your ankle.

''uh, well on Friday.'' You replied.

''Did anything unusual happen on Friday that could have set off this off?''

''Not really.''

''Hmm,'' She started playing with the pen in her hands while in deep thoughts.

''Can you run me through the things you did on Friday?'' She finally asked after a few minutes.

''Sure,'' You shrugged, ''It is going to be a short story because I went to the BTS concert and arrived early in the morning and stood in line the whole day until the concert and then I went home.''

''You went to a concert?'' her eyes narrowed ''and did anything out of the ordinary happen during the concert?''

''well...'' You paused for a moment a bit embarrassed, ''I fainted, but it was crowded and warm and it was not because I was fangirling or something.''

She laughed, ''That was not what I was implying. So, you fainted at the concert? Did you eat well that day? Drink enough water?''

''Yes.'' You replied. ''before the concert started I got food and drinks for everyone so, that can't be it.''

''How far from the stage were you? and were there any guys in the crowd around you?''

''What?'' You asked surprised.

''Oh, I just assumed you're straight, sorry. Are you? Because if not that is fine, too''

''What?'' You asked again and gaped at her, ''Why are you asking me this?''

''Well, you're symptoms correspond with someone who just met their soulmate.'' She tapped her pen at the edge of the table, thinking again.

''I'm straight.'' You replied, ''But there were only girls at the concert and I was at least 50 meters away from the stage. Moreover, the stage lights were so bright the boys weren't even able to see me. ''

The doctor kept tapping the pen against the table deep in thoughts.

''Hmm, that does make soulmate bonding quite difficult.'' She said breaking the silence. ''You're sure you're straight?''

''Yeah, I'm sure.'' You replied.

''Is there anything else that could cause all of this?'' She furrowed her eyebrows and looked intensely at you.

''Well, I have three assignments this week and on top of that had to work my shifts this weekend, so I am under a lot of stress lately.'' You answered.

''hmm'' She closed her eyes for a moment and thought deep, ''It could just be stress.''

''So no soulmate bond?'' You smiled at her.

Soulmates Yoongi x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora