Chapter 8: Riddle #3

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Elizabeth ~ September 2011

I was walking on a grassy path. Willow trees with lights covering their swaying branches surrounded me. I looked down and realized I was carrying a bouquet of lilies and orchids and that I was wearing a very long, white lace gown. This didn't faze me so I looked up and kept walking.

The grass turned into a white silk runner and I followed it, keeping a steady pace. At the end of the runner was an arch made out of different types of white flowers. And underneath of that beautiful arch, was Nick. I looked behind me and saw there were people sitting in seats and that I just walked down an aisle. I turned back to Nick, his hand stretched out for me to take. I let my right hand free from the bouquet to it place in Nick's hand...

And I woke up. 

I looked up to see I was staring at my window, light filtering through the thin curtain which made my room a tint of purple. I was dreaming of marrying Nick. Wasn't it a little too early to think of that? The wedding looked beautiful but it was too soon to even hope for it. We literally just decided to TRY to work things out with a relationship and work.

I laughed aloud at my crazy dream. Nick stirred beside me and I turned around to face him. His arms were still around my waist. I gave him a kiss on the nose and nuzzled into his neck. He still smelled amazing. 

His hand moved from my waist to my cheek and he smiled. His eyes opened slightly, squinting from the light shining through my window. 

"Good morning," he whispered as his smile brightened.

"Morning. Sleep well?" I asked, a smile playing at my lips. 

"Mm hm. Very well." His smile turned into a crooked grin and I laughed.

"What? I know I look horrible in the morning. You don't have to tell me," I giggled.

"No, it's just the opposite. You're absolutely radiant," he sighed, twirling a piece of my hair between his fingers. It came down in a ringlet. "

"Even if my hair is a big puff ball?" 

"Even then..." he murmured, then grinned again. "Although, it might have something to do with the sun being right behind you," he continued as he squinted his eyes.

I laughed and pushed his shoulder. "OH, shut up," I retored, and that only made him laugh as well.

I thought it equally funny that all we did was sleep last night. I had half hoped that it would be a little more than that, but I was still not disappointed. Just being near Nick made me happy. That also worried me, because I might not be able to concentrate at work. My smile turned into a frown, and I guessed Nick knew what I was thinking.

"We can do it. We'll figure out a way. Just like Sara and Gris did. Don't worry," he assured me, his thumb stroking my cheek.

"But what if we can't? What if we get caught? I don't think I'll be able to leave like Sara did. I love my job too much. I wouldn't expect you to leave either. I just don't know..." I babbled. I usually ramble when I'm trying to get out of a situation or if I get nervous.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're rambling. If we're careful, like I know we are since we were trained to be, we can pull this off," he consoled me.

"But how long are we going to go on with this before one of us cracks? I don't know how I could deal with that. What if-" I said at light speed. 

"I don't think that's going to happen. I know you're strong and you can pull through anything. As long as we believe we can do it, we will do it," he said, steadfast. He was SO sure this was going to work.

CSI: A New BeginningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz