chapter 10

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A million things were flashing through my head. Who was Alexis? Why did she commit suicide? Why did Ryan's dad call me Alexis? The light flashed green and Ryan started towards the next light; we had been in the car for forever now and I didn't even know where we were going. He wouldn't tell me, it kind of freaked me out and excited me at the same time. I was hoping to get far away from Alex.

The car jolted to a stop and I was quickly shot back into reality, I looked over at Ryan who looked worried.

He squeezed the wheel tightly, "I don't think we are going to make it," I heard him mumble to himself.

"Make it to what? What's going on, Ryan?"

"Nothing, look I'm tired let's stop here," He said changing the topic to fast as he pulled into the parking lot of a worn-down motel.

I could tell he was getting annoyed with me. But he had a reason too, he had just driven for who knows how long for me. Just to keep me away from Alex. He pulled into the parking lot, the motel was really old and worn-down.

I saw Ryan get a little more irritated when I sighed, "Look Raine, It's not like it's going to be complete torture for you if you stay here for one night."

"Calm down, I understand completely." I said.

I saw him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye, "Raine, I'll be right back, I have to go get our room key."

I cringed as he slammed the car door and I quickly locked the doors. We are at a motel in the middle of nowhere, I thought to myself, no one could possibly know we were here. Why was everything so complicated? Why couldn't Ryan tell me where we were going? Hopefully, I would find out everything soon enough. I started to feel hope in everything; maybe I could escape my past.

I was startled when I heard tapping on the car window, I quickly laughed in relief when I realized it was Ryan. He motioned for me to unlock the car, I did and he walked around to my door and opened it for me.

"Hey, I got the key," He said dangling it in front of me.

I nodded and followed him to the room. I was so tired. When he unlocked the old, rusty, door I quickly ran and jumped onto the bed, but soon realized that was a mistake when I found that the bed wasn't as soft as it looked. I groaned when I felt a sharp pain in my back.

Ryan just laughed, "I'm sorry Raine. But that was really funny."

I smiled and he suddenly looked down at his watch and then started to talk again, "But hey I'm going to go outside for a second and call my dad. I'll be right back."

I just nodded and watched him walk out of the room and close the door, but the door creaked back open and I was too lazy to go close it again. I wasn't really interested in his conversation, but I was curious so I walked over towards the cracked door and held my ear up against the door.

"... Look I did my part in this. I know I screwed up, I know she wasn't supposed to find it. But, I want out of this now. Please, I'll give you the money back." I almost gasped in shock but held my breath.

I heard a groan and then a startled gasp, "Please. No fine, I'll finish the job. Please just leave him alone. I'm begging you. Don't touch him."

"Yes. Yes, I know how to finish this off," I heard him close his phone and I quickly ran into the bathroom.

"Raine, where are you?" I heard him say.

"I'm in the bathroom. I'm washing my face." I yelled, turning on the water. My hands were shaking, what was going on?

I heard him get closer to the door and sigh, "hey, I need to talk to you when you get out."

I didn't respond, my voice would give everything away. I had no idea what was going on, but I think I was going to see what he needed to talk to me about. Maybe he was going to explain everything to me, maybe I could possibly help him. Was he being blackmailed? Of course, he was being blackmailed.

With questions still in my head, I actually started to wash my face and then when I was done, I slowly turned off the water. My shaking hand gripped the doorknob and I slowly opened the door. He was sitting on a chair with his face in his hands. He looked up at me when I walked in and his eyes were red, it looked like he had been crying.

"Raine, we need to leave now. Can you sleep in the car?"

"Why? Why are we leaving?" I asked trying to stall him from whatever he was going to do.

"Raine, please don't make this any harder then it has to be."

"What's going on Ryan? Just tell me."

"No." He said, raising his voice, "Raine, just get in the car now."

I braced myself for whatever was going to happen, "No. No, I'm not going to get in the car with you until you tell me what's going on. I can help you. If you're being blackmailed, I can help, Ryan."

His eyes were glistening with tears, "Raine, please don't make this any harder than it has to be for me."

"Ryan, please tell me what's going on," I felt my own tears fall out of my eyes.

"Raine, don't cry please," He said getting up and wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug, "this won't hurt. I promise."

My heart dropped and I tried to scream but his hand covered my mouth, suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I felt a prick on my neck and I tried pushing him away but I started to feel too faint to do anything at all. Then I blacked out.

Everything was a blur as I drove the car as fast as I could in the dark, cold night. This was a mistake, a really big mistake. Hands shaking and heart beating, I finally decided to turn the car around. I pulled over a few miles away from where she was and I quickly searched my car for anything that could possibly help me here. I groaned when I realized there wasn't anything that was going to help me.

But then suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alexa's blue ring that she had left in the backseat of my car. I grabbed it and then suddenly I had a good idea. I started driving back towards her house, the wind was blowing the trees making everything look eerie. My car lights lit up the street as I passed the trees and houses every once in a while. I pulled into Lindsey's driveway and sighed to myself. I got out of my safe car and while deciding on whether to do this or not, I could have sworn that I heard a noise coming from the trees. But I quickly pushed the fear away and I put the ring a few feet away from the knife.

Suddenly, I heard the noise again but this time I knew someone was there. I was suddenly blinded by the lights of another car starting to come down this road. I quickly ran back to my car and got in it. The car got closer and closer but then I pulled away from it, surprisingly the car didn't follow me. I saw the lights from the other car fade away as I finally got away from what was now part of my past.

I woke up and I instantly tried to scream, but my mouth was covered with ducktape. My next instinct was to try and pull the tape off, but my hands were bound in front of me. I tried to calm down and listen to what was going on; I heard people talking and I heard the hum of a car motor. I must be in a car's trunk.

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