Chapter 2: First Step

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Please Note: Statements between /* something in italics */ are game system messages. 


Swamy woke up in the morning. 

‘Time to get ready I guess’ he thought as he yawned. He had a late night yesterday. It was only the first day of the game, called Long Island, but it was quite eventful. 

He took a shower and dressed in a shirt and jeans. And he was off.

His apartment was just 20 mins away from his university which gave him some time to sleep a little but last night he had kinda stretched himself. He knew he had to go to college in the morning but the excitement of finding something new kept him in the game.


After getting the system message which said he was on the right track, Raka continued reading more picture books. When he first started, every fruit picture would increase Language of Ilmentia Island by 1%. However after 6% it slowed down so that every 4-5 pictures would now increase 1%.

Raka kept reading more and more picture books till the increase in experience crawled down to about 50 pictures for 1%. He still persisted. Knowing he was on the right track made him stubborn and he felt that if he had to read every picture book in the library, he would. But the experience he was gaining was trickling down.

By 19%, he had to read almost 150 picture names to get 1%. He was slowly getting worried that he might run out of picture books before he even got anywhere close to a 100%.

“Show skill, Language of Ilmentia Island”


Language of Ilmentia Island: 19.93%

"When the learning of the language of Ilmentia Island reaches 100%, you will be able to communicate with the residents of the island.


‘Seems like it slowed down again. Better find some more books.’

Thinking that, he started collecting more picture books. He had found almost all of the simple ones which had fruits, vegetables, animals, birds, vehicles and a lot of miscellaneous ones which had a bit of everything in them. He was now beginning to find a lot of the same pictures in the other books which did not increase his experience at all. 

Ofcourse he judiciously avoided all the books which dealt with the island. He knew he would never get them right. Not yet atleast. Finding no more books, he went back to the desk where he had this stockpile of the books he had already read. He had started worrying of what would happen when he runs out of picture books. 

‘Well I will worry about it when I get there’.

He started reading those books hoping that it will have some new pictures. The first two did not. He moved to his third one and fortunately, it had a few.


You have grown. You Age is now 2.

Language of Ilmentia Island: 20%

“You can now speak certain words which may be understood by the people.”

"When the learning of the language of Ilmentia Island reaches 100%, you will be able to communicate with the residents of the island."

Long IslandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ