Chapter 8:His talents.

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|Use what talent you possess|

Alaïa's pov:

After dinner, Xander finally agreed to drop me home. We walked to his car his mom still following us.

"It was nice to have someone else home today hopefully you come more often." His mom said and Xander rolled his eyes.

"Mom you could have waited for me to be in the car if you wanted to tell her that." Xander said playfully.

"Hey having another female in the house was fun. I didn't have to make you do things, since you did it all willingly." Nina said smugly.

"What did i do?" He asked confused.

"You clean up after you eat and you even went to take out the desert in the fridge." His mom said smirking.

"Hey i did all that for a reason." He argued.

"Yes and the reason is standing just beside me." Nina said wrapping one of her arm around my shoulder. I bit my lips to keep myself from laughing. The looks on Xander's face was priceless.

Well he surely is a gentleman...

"Whatever i have to go to work soon so get in the car." He said and went to the driver seat.

"Oh sweetie it's been long since i embarassed him like that. Thank you." Nina whispered to me as she hugged me. I don't know why but i had this feeling that she was thanking me for another thing.

"It was a pleasure." I said and she chuckled.

I sat in the passanger seat and buckled my seatbell. I gave the address to Xander and he nodded.

"I know where it is." He said.

The drive was silent and a soft music was being played on the radio. I wasn't really paying attention to the music as i was looking outside. The roads were new.

"Do you need to go home early?" He asked suddenly and i looked at him.

"Not really why?" I asked.

"Just asking." He shrugged.

He turned to another road and we remained silent. This way has more trees. I don't remember the way to my house being like that.

Or maybe he is taking another way.

I let him drive since i didn't know around. He parked to the side and turn off the car.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"Come with me." He said and didn't even wait for me to reply. He was already out of the car and was walking toward the passenger's door. I unbuckled and opened the door. I let my bag in the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking around. It was pitched black and freezing. We couldn't see deep in the woods from where we were standing.

"Just follow me and take these."

I looked at him and saw him giving me a hoodie. I took it since i was freezing. I wore it and it reached to my knee. I could smell his cologne on it.

"Let's go."

I followed him into the forest and he was walking smootly while I was shruggling to walk on the fallen  branches.

"Can you walk slower." I said standing  idle. He was way ahead of me. He turned back and sighed.

"Alright here." He said putting his arms out. I looked at him confused and he tilt his head. He walked toward me, took my arm and wrapped it around his and started to drag me.


He walked deeper in the wood and reached at some big rocks. He climb up first and put his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand and climb with him. When we were at the top, the view was really beautiful. The lights of the town was giving it a more beautiful shade. The view was mesmerizing.

I think i saw this place somewhere....

"Walk a bit over here." He said and i did.

"It's beautiful." I said looking around.

"Yeah." His repond was almost as a whisper.

"Wait. Isn't that the same landscape you draw? It was on your wall right?" I asked and he looked at me shocked.

"Y-you noticed?" He asked and i nodded.

"It was really beautiful. The shade you use made it looked so real. Well it is real." I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah. I took two weeks to made it." He said smiling to himself. It was the first time i saw him smile.

"Impressive. You got a talent for art." I said honestly.

"And for soccer." He added.

"Well i can't tell. I only saw your drawings, not your match." I joked and he chuckled.

"You will get to see that soon." He chuckled. His phone vibrated and he took it out.

"I really need to go to work now." He said and i nodded.

He help me to climb down and we made our way to his car. We sat down and he drove us home. I take out his hoodie and gave him back. He grab it and dropped it on his laps.

"Thanks for showing me the sight." I said and he nodded.

"This town has many secret places and they are all beautiful. If i have time i can show you later. But right now i really need to go to work." He stated and i nodded.

"And where you work?" I asked again and i almost got the answer.

"At Str- wait a minute, nice try, i'm not going to tell you where i work." He said and i chuckled.

"Is it this bad?" I asked and he remained silent for a few minutes.

"I wish i could reply you." He replied lowly.

I stepped out of the car and closed the door.

"Thanks for today." I said through the window and he nodded.

"See you soon Alaïa." He said.

"See you soon."

I walked to my front poche and I looked back to see him driving away. When i entered my house, everything was silent. Either they felt asleep or they were in their room.

I made my way to my room and opened the door. It was dark. I turned on the light and screamed when i saw a silhouette.

"Geez woman relax." Grayson said as he stood up. Beside him was Tyler, Hailey and Adelisa.

"What are you all doing in my room?" I asked dropping my bag near my bed.

"Where were you?" Tyler asked crossing his arms around his chest.

"I told you i had to complete my project." I said and he raise an eye brow.

"It took you more than 5 hours to complete the work?" Hailey asked and i shrugged.

"You know how i like everything to be perfect. So it took time." I lied. However they seems to believe it.

"Whatever did you have dinner?" Adelisa asked and i nodded.


"Ok. I'm not going to ask you with who since i already know... but anyway it's time to sleep. We have school tomorrow." Hailey said and i rolled my eyes.

"I'm staying over." Grayson said smirking.

Oh well ..



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