Chapter 5 - The suspicion

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Alissa's POV

It is because of him. Ugh! This bastard got me pregnant! Calm down, Alissa. You don't know if you are pregnant or not. I frowned.

Don't be angry at him, Alissa. It is your fault too. Don't forget it takes two to tango. I sighed depressed. If I kept thinking about it, I would get crazy.

I was watching the view from the terrace, lost in my thoughts.

"Oh my gosh, Alissa! You cannot imagine what I have heard in the lobby." Angela exclaimed, excited as she walked towards me in quick steps.

"What happened?" I asked in curiosity.

"There is a prince here. A freaking prince! In the hotel." She exclaimed happily like a child who got a dream gift. "I heard it from two girls talking in the lobby, but I didn't hear from which country he is. They said he was gorgeous." She informed me in awe.

"Oh." I mumbled with a blank expression. "Probably he came to watch the race." I added with an indifferent expression.

"Yes, probably. I hope we will see him as well." She said in excitement.

I stretched out before opening my eyes. I sighed and looked at the ceiling while laying on my bed. I frowned as I got up and went to the bathroom. I leaned my hands against the sink counter, closing my eyes and prayed that my period had started. Then I checked if my period arrived, but there weren't any signs from it.

Damn it!

My period was almost a week late. The possibility of being pregnant was increasing. I looked at my stomach in the mirror as my eyes welled up.

I clenched my fist. I was angry at him. How could he forget to use a condom?! Such a dumbass. I hate you, Marcus. I hate you. I will kill him; how dare he get me pregnant?!

After getting ready, I left my suite. I decided to visit that idiot. He should give me explanations why he didn't use any condom.

I heard from Diego a few days ago that Marcus started staying in the hotel where I was staying. After learning his suite number, I went there.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A few minutes later, the door opened. As Marcus saw me, he gave me a surprised look.

He wore a blue shirt and white shorts. He looked so handsome as always.

Get a grip, Alissa! You aren't here for ogling this gorgeous....bastard.

"Oh...Hi." Marcus greeted, giving me his signature smile.

As soon as he had finished his sentence, I slapped him across his cheek.

Ugh! I hate him.

"What the fuck!" He exclaimed in frustration. "Why did you slap me?" He asked, trying to control his anger.

"Damn you! You got me pregnant." I snapped as my eyes welled up.

He looked at me, dumbfounded. He ran his hand through his hair as he furrowed his eyebrows, perplexed.

"What?" He asked mockingly. "Is it a joke?!"

"How pathetic you are! You took advantage of a girl who was drunk. You should be ashamed of your behavior!" I shouted while trying to hold my tears back.

He frowned, annoyed and grabbed my wrist quickly. He looked around nervously and dragged me in. Then he closed the door.

"Don't shut in the hallway. I don't want anyone to hear your bullshit." He snapped, frustrated.

"What?! Am I talking bullshit?" I snapped, furious as I clenched my fist.

How can he dare to tell me that?! Of course, it isn't important for him. Probably he got a lot of women pregnant. It isn't new for him. Idiot!

"Listen to..."

"No. I will not. I hate you." I snapped, trying to hold myself from strangling his neck.

He sighed, annoyed and instantly covered my mouth with his hand as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him, catching me off guard.

"Now shut up and listen to me!" He said sternly. I punched his chest, trying to push him back, but he tightened his grip around me. "I didn't do anything to you that night." He stated with a serious expression. I looked at him, puzzled. "When we left the yacht, you vomited and stained my and your clothes. Then you fainted." He paused as he gave me an angry look. "So I brought you to my place, and I just took off your clothes, nothing more. So even if you are pregnant, it isn't mine. Don't try to fool me! I am not stupid. You can't trap me. I got used to these kinds of claims." He said, giving me an intimidating look and pulled back.

I looked at him, astonished. So...we...

"Nothing...that night....we..." I mumbled, trying to be sure that I had heard it right.

"No, we didn't do anything. I didn't touch you. I was not that desperate to take advantage of a girl who was in that state." He stated in confidence. He took a step towards me and plunged his dark eyes into mine. "If I want to get some woman in my bed, I can get it without getting her drunk." He commented huskily and gave me an arrogant smirk.

I bit my lower lip, feeling uncomfortable under his intense gaze. Is the room getting hot?

I breathed deeply and took a step back. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief.

"So I am not pregnant?!" I commented happily.

He frowned and sat down on the armrest of the couch and replied arrogantly. "I don't know if you are pregnant or not. But even if you are, it isn't definitely mine."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance

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I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Bastard! I am not you who change partners like dirty socks.

Suddenly, something came to my mind. I clenched my fist and asked angrily. "You took off my clothes then?!"

"No, Santa Claus." He said sarcastically.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Who did give you permission to take off my clothes?" I snapped.

"Definitely not you." He gave me a sarcastic smirk.

Ugh! Mister is having fun! Jerk!

"You have to be thankful to me, because I didn't leave you on your own that night. If I didn't bring you to my place, leaving you there on your own, you probably were pregnant now. If you aren't pregnant with someone else's baby now." He declared arrogantly.

I frowned. "I am not pregnant, dumbass if we didn't do anything. Because I never have sex if it didn't happen that night." I confessed, annoyed.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Oh..." He mumbled, roaming my body from head to toe with salacious eyes, undressing me with his eyes and bit his lower lip.

Shit! What did I say?!

I blushed, embarrassed and cursed at myself with my inner voice.

"And don't worry. There wasn't anything special that I hadn't seen before. Even I saw better than yours." He commented with a cocky smirk.

I gritted my teeth in frustration." You...jerk..." I snapped, clenching my fist.

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