What Awaits at the Castle

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I can't believe what just happened, I was threatened, I was attacked, and I was saved. I was saved by a dark angel, that I can't help but feel this invincible presence emitting from him. It almost as if I am under a spell and I am completely enchanted by him.

Geez, Esperanza get a hold of yourself, you don't even know the man's name yet or what he really looks like ....speaking of which right now would be a good time to say something. I'm looking at the back of his helmet, how do I even talk to him, gosh why am I so nervous?? Ok here goes nothing.

"I...I want thank you for saving me back there, I honestly don't know what would've happened if you didn't get there in time."

"I would rather not think about what could've happened if I didn't get there in time.........but you're welcome".

Wow, wait, what? He would rather not think about what could've happened if he didn't get there in time. Why? Why do I feel like he's being protective of me? Am I looking too much into it?

At this point we are almost out of the forest and I can see the castle in the distance. We stopped abruptly, in my arms Mannie props up his head and starts to look around as did the warrior. I feel my heart begin to race, are we going to be attacked again? The warrior drew his sword and Mannie jumped out of my arms and ran forward.

I feel like my heart is going to burst, I didn't even notice that I was beginning to gasp for air. The warrior turned his head toward me and looked directly into my eyes.

"Princessa I promise you nothing will ever harm you."

I was barely able to comprehend what he said when I heard I hear him whisper "Not while I'm here."

Out of the bushes Mannie jumped out, he turned his head and barked loudly. Then what sounded like many hooves, came out Champion, Captain Juan and a few soldiers. Captain Juan jump off his horse and drew his sword, it looked like he was ready to strike the warrior.

"Step away from the Princessa!" Captain Juan exclaimed.

"I take orders from no one, let alone a little man like you". The warrior replied.

Now that I think about it looking at the two the warrior had a point. The warrior very well stood a foot higher than Captain Juan, just by looking at his armor you can tell that he was a lot bigger than Captain Juan. Captain Juan took an impulsive step forward and I knew that was not going to end well.

"Stop! Captain Juan stand down! This man saved me from someone who attacked me; he was taking me back to the castle".

Captain Juan sheathed his sword and then warrior sheathed his; but you could still see that they didn't take their eyes off of each other and the tension was suffocatingly thick.

"Princessa Esperanza why did you not meet me by the front gate? It was unwise of you to try to go into the forest alone, how could you be so foolish?"




The warrior and I spoke at the same time, I didn't expect that.

"Captain Juan, have you forgotten your place, how dare you speak to me that way! You have no authority to even consider raising your voice at me. You may be Captain of the king's army but I am the daughter of a king! Never lose sight of that!"

"Princessa Esperanza please forgive me, here allow me to take you back to the castle".

"Captain if you so much as touch me I swear on everything I own I will make sure to have you thrown in the dungeon".

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