➵ XXXV. Tortured

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TW: Rape at the end of the chapter. Duck out at "... Would they?"

Friday, February 9th, 2018, 11:00am

Asher's POV

I can't feel anything. My body just be in a lying position because of the way I sense the gravity, like you can just tell which way is up. I can feel where my limbs are and what position I'm in, but I can't feel what I'm resting on, anything in contact with my skin or any aches in my body. Like the touch and pain receptors in my body aren't working. It makes me feel like I'm just floating, in a void on nothing.

My eyes open slowly, only to be met with darkness.

I try squinting, but I can't make out anything in the darkness. Normally, I would be able to see, even in darkness, thanks to my wolf vision.

Jayden? I ask worriedly.

I don't get any reply. So he's blocked, I'm alone without my sight and sense of touch. What else am I missing?

I try breathing in a way I'm sure is obnoxiously loud, but I can't hear it. I don't smell anything either, even without Jayden. I sit up slowly, straining my ears for the sound of anything, my body sliding against what I think is a floor as I crawl around, searching for anything. I try listening footsteps, any possible sound, but I hear nothing.

The only reason I know I'm on the floor or ground without sight or touch, is because my hand is pressing against something. I can't feel it, but because I can put weight on my arm and not fall or something, I know there must be a wide, solid surface. It's hard to explain.

Just think, if you can't see and can't feel texture or pressure, then if you move your hand and it suddenly stops and you can't push and make it move any farther in that direction, there just be something there stopping it, right?

Suddenly, my arm jerks as I try to slide it forward. When I try again, the same thing happens.

I sit back in a kneel, trying to figured out what's stopping me from moving forward. Chains, probably. I run my hand down my arm, and it catches on something around my wrist that I, of course, can't feel. It sticks out from my wrist, so it's probably a cuff connected to chains.

Exploring more, my hand closes around what I'm guessing is the chain. It's not too thick, I can tell that from the position my hand is in wrapped around the chain. I think my the tip of my thumb is on top of my fingers, so the chain is thin enough I can wrap my whole hand around it.

I pull on the chain, sliding my hands down the links to where, by exploring and sliding my hand against what must be a wall, I think the other end is embedded in a plate slightly sticking out from the wall's surface.

I sigh, sliding down the wall and sitting against it. I try blowing on my hands, but I can't feel that. Whatever they did to me is a little unnerving. I can't see, can't hear, can't smell, and can't feel touch. It just feels like I'm nowhere.

So how to I get out?

I definitely won't be able to escape on my own. Without Jayden, I can't mind-link.

Shit, why didn't I think of that before? The chain necklace from Rei. It lets you mind-link even if there's wolfsbane in your body. Well, I guess I'll see if it's still around my neck or if they found a way to remove it.

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