First Day

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As I pulled up to my first day at the Hale mansion, I wiped the sweat off of my palms. I parked my precious old Jeep in a line of Mercedes' and BMW's that the rest of the staff drove. I stared in awe of the glorious house as the sun made the windows shine.

I finally got out of my car, and made my way to the work entrance. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Norma standing with the entire staff, smiles on their faces.

"Ah Stiles! Welcome!" She walked over to me. "Come on in!"

"Am I late ma'am?" I asked nervously. "Because Talia told me to be here at 7."

She looked at the clock. "You're early my dear. It's only 6:30."

I shrugged. "Punctual I guess."

"I'd say so." She laughed. "Come on I'll show you the kitchen."

I followed Norma into the kitchen, and smiled at fellow co-workers as they passed by.

"Here's the kitchen." She opened the door and ushered me in. "You have free reign of everything in here. Cook whatever you want, but Andy likes his eggs scrambled."

I chuckled. "This is amazing. Thank you so much."

She smiled. "Remember, a good chef always tests the food." She winked at me before walking out, and I chuckled to myself before looking around the pantry.


"Stiles?" Norma walked into the kitchen bearing her usual smile.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked, turning around from the steak omelette I was frying up.

"Working hard I see." She patted my back. "Can you have a few small desserts ready in about an hour? My grandson is stopping by."

I nodded. "Anything particular?"

"He likes chocolate."

I chuckled. "Noted."

"You're the best!" She walked out of the kitchen as I smiled to myself. Free reign to cook and bake whatever I pleased, and an amazing boss. I could get used to this.

Within 40 minutes I had managed to whip up double chocolate cookies, mini mousse parfaits, and a batch of cupcakes. I was smiling proudly at my work, when the doorbell rang. I looked up, and saw no one around.

"Stiles? Could you get that?" Norma called from the other room.

"Yes ma'am!" I quickly wiped my hands off, and went out the kitchen to the door.

I opened the front door, to see a man about 6 foot, built like a god, with the most chiseled jawline I had ever seen in my life. His bright green eyes stood out from his dark black hair and scruff on his chin, and I about went weak in the knees.


I smiled, but said nothing.

"Um, I'm here to see my grandmother?"

I nodded.

"Are you new?"

I snapped out of my trance. "Oh! Sorry. Yes I'm new." I held my hand out. "I'm Stiles."

"Derek." His hand met mine and we shook. "Wait did you say Stiles?"

"Yes sir?"

"Huh." He walked past me, inside the house. "Strange name."

"I get that a lot." I nervous laughed.

Oh my God, I'm having a gay crisis.

Props To The Chef (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now