7- Double Standard

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Adam felt younger than his thirty-eight years since he started seeing Amanda. He had spent two Sunday mornings lounging in bed with her and thought he could get used to it. Ryan had asked if he was bringing her to Maine and the idea intrigued him. When he tried to envision her meeting Jack and Maddie, he wondered if it would be such a good idea. Adam was still on the fence when they met for drinks midweek.

She walked into the bar wearing a tight fitting dress which showed off every blessed curve. Adam took his eyes off her just long enough to notice the eyes of almost every male in the room were on her. It made him stiff knowing her smile was for him. Shit, we should have just met at my place, he thought with longing.

She greeted him with a kiss on his cheek. "Hey baby!"

Again his body reacted, but he was an adult not an adolescent. "How was your day?"

"Oh all right." She sighed. "My boss is leaving. It's a bummer because he was a great guy to work for. Oh well..."

"Maybe, you'll like the new one, too."

"Yeah. At least there's a long weekend to look forward to. A bunch of us are going to The Cape for the weekend we've got in on a house share."

Adam noticed she looked at him as if judging his reaction. He actually felt slightly relieved for many reasons. The first was she would not be overly clingy. The most significant was he no longer had to consider introducing her to his friends. He definitely liked her and enjoyed being with her, but their relationship was based on sex. He wasn't delusional to think they had some deep connection - no pun intended.

"Great! I'm going to see my business partner. I've been putting it off. To be honest I'm not that excited about seeing his new baby."

"Not secretly longing to make little Adams?"

"Not totally opposed, but definitely not longing. The only thing I'm longing for is to practice... safely," he whispered in her ear as he licked and nipped at her lobe.

"Was it your idea to meet for a drink?" Her hand on his thigh was slowly moving higher.

Adam pulled out his wallet and threw down a few bills. "Drink up!" Then he took out his phone and ordered an Uber.

Once again, they had strewn clothes across the living room. They never even made it to the bedroom. Adam was glad he had thought to throw a few condoms on the coffee table. Smiling, he considered asking Ryan about investing in Trojan, not that he had any clue if it was even a public company.

Before he sent her home in an Uber, she said, "So we can get together next week. I mean that's if you're cool with it and um... anything that might go down at The Cape. We're not tied to each other or anything, are we?"

He looked at her with her cheeks still flushed and her dress that every man in the bar admired, but he was the only one to see underneath it, well at least tonight. She was fun and sexy as hell, but she was not the kind of girl he imagined fitting in with Jack and Maddie. He may have been a willing participant and perhaps it was a double standard, but she was much too easy. Hell, he thought, he would reap the benefits while they lasted.

"Yeah... have fun! Don't even think of me sitting around talking about babies. I'm scared shitless of seeing his wife's breasts." He joked.

She laughed. "And you love breasts." She kissed him long and deep. "I'll show you mine when I get back."

"Damn, yeah!"

She turned and sashayed out the door into the waiting car.

Adam saw the look on the driver's face and felt pride, not jealousy because he was getting the girl every guy wanted.

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