Chapter 15

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Yannis POV

"Who said I wanted to go anyways…"

Staring at their gradually fading backs, I just sat their for a bit before shaking my head. Getting up, i dusted off my jeans, went ahead and put my weapons back to its place. Placing the hood over my head, I shove my hands into the pockets to keep myself warm, before venturing the building.

Whistling in boredom, I manage to enter a now deserted equipment base where all of the weapons and guns were sprawled around.

Seeing that their was sets of some Foot Clan suits, a very stupid came into my head and I grin devilishly. I was feeling quite rebellious, so I decided to put on some of the extra gears and helmet. But boy was that cosplay hot. I began to profusely sweat until, I made my way to pull helmet off.

"Phew…" I blew out a breathe. Boy… How did they even manage to where these 24/7?

I scratched my head, but halted when suddenly the floor vibrate and steps could be heard throughout the room. Squinting my eyes, I spotted the so called Foot Clanners running with their guns. Shoot!

In reflex, I put the helmet back on as groups of the clan passes my hunch over figure. I wanted let out a breathe of relief when a tap came to my shoulder.

"We need to move out, rookie!" A voice came behind me making me slowly turn around. "LET'S MOVE!" And once again I was dragged throughout the flooring. I just wanted to go home… I internally cried, being pulled away by the collar.

And the next thing you know, I was seated in the middle of the cars on the second row. I clenched onto my weapons and just prayed for forgiveness, for I will soon be sinning, again.

Readjusting my vision, I spotted four familiar silhouettes. Of course… Who could've we been chasing anyways… I grumbled at the thoughts as the car begin to speed up.


Third POV

Everyone was grabbing a hold as Vernon drove through the gates. Popping his head by the opened back door, Michelangelo asks.

"Where are we going guys?" His head hung upside down as he steadied himself on the roof of the truck.

"Donnie, what's the fastest way back to Manhattan?" Leonardo questions as his brother checks his watch and press on a few holographic switches.

"We just need to stay on this road… If we can get to the maintenance hatch at the bottom of the hill, there's a sewer line 2.4 miles from here." He made clear.

"Mikey! Let them know up there!" Leonardo orders, and he does as said. Their actions were abruptly ended when and explosion stops Vernon from resuming the trip when one of the Foot Clan trucks shoots out a bazooka. 

Seeing this, he quickly turn the wheel knocking everyone off their balances. Knocked off by a cage, Leonardo flew out landing on a rock as the truck hung by a tree.

"Vern! Go-go-go-go!" Groaning, Vern twisted the wheels again and manage to swerve the truck backwards.

"Wrong way, wrong way." The truck drove down the mountain range backwards until he manages to spin it around. It continues to go down the hill excessively, crashing onto nearby trees and boulders.

"How far off coarse are we?" Raphael questions and Donatello checks his watch.

"Actually we're on a shortcut. But we need to keep going down. STRAIGHT down." He replies.
Climbing by the roof, Michelangelo peeks his head by the truck's front windshield. Vernor stares in daze as the turtle started to inform them.

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