0800 Hours: Security Tape #245-88A

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Beith Laboratory Archives

Security Tape #245-88A

The audio and visual components of this tape have been separated for security reasons. See tape #245-88V for the corresponding visual feed.

"This is Doctor Helen Yersinia, ID 234:7376. I am here with Patient 542-56B, Cye Montrose. Despite extensive exposure to the Phlebivariadae pathogen, his bloodwork indicates that there is no sign of infection. This is consistent with other patients who have expressed the highlighted genotype."


"The patient is currently nonverbal, but inspection indicates that this is through choice."


"The patient also arrived with a previously unregistered patient, Cameron MacRiada, who shall henceforth be known as Patient 832-65Y. Bloodwork indicates that Patient 832-65Y has not been exposed to the Phlebivariadae pathogen. The patients have been separated for examination."


"Okay that's everything I had to record. I'm sorry that we scared you when you first arrived. We thought you were – well, we didn't realise that you were genuine refugees."


An exasperated sigh.

"Cye, I want to help you. I really, really do. But I can't let you go back out there. Not after what you've seen."

A battered clang ruptures the placating. A cascade of metal hits the floor.

"Not after what I've seen!? All I've seen since we got here is you and your needles! And even if I had saw something else, there's no one out there to tell. I was alone for months before I met Cam. There's no one else left!"

Laboured breaths echo against sterile walls.

"...There are others like you. Others who are immune. Please Cye, you have to understand. They can't find out the truth about the Sanctuaries. They... they wouldn't keep going if they knew."

"Others like me? Then where are they? Or did you just slap a biohazard tag on them as well and call it a day?"

The words are not so much said as they are spit. They fizzle and crackle, the initial sparks of a firework ready to explode.

"I –"

"What can't they know? The 'truth about the Sanctuaries'? Are they all like this? Fucking hollow shells of a place? Where are all the people who came here? Huh?"

"We didn't –"

"What's this whole immunity thing about anyway? Why can't you just tell people about it?"

"Cye, please –"

"And what the hell is that classroom thing? With all the fucked up dates? And the fake news recordings? What are you even doing here that needs to be so fucking secretive and hidden and –"

"We didn't mean for it to get out!"

A body falls to the floor. The air is heavy with thick, shuddering sobs.

"You didn't mean for it to get out? What the fuck does that mean?"

"We... we made a mistake. We were careless. No one should ever have left this facility alive."

"What the fuck did you do here?"

The sobbing crests, a violent wave. But then it slows to a small, shivering wail.

"I... I think it might be best to bring in Cameron. You should probably hear this together."

End of Security Tape #245-88A. Continue? Y/N

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