Meeting the Starks

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-Your pov-

I cross my arms, waiting for Lord Stark to meet with me. I hope Ned is as kind as he is in the show.

I look up at the guards, who were pointing their bows and arrows at me from on top the walls. I gulp, and look down again.

I hear the door open, and I look up to see the familiar Stark walking out of the gates.

Ned walked out of the gates in his normal attire. He looks at me, confused and . . . Cautious.

"He-hello." I stutter.

He raises a eyebrow, and I look down under his gaze.

"What family are you from child? And where did you acquire such strange clothing?" He asked.

I gulp and look up at him, then past him to the guards. He notices my gaze and turns back, nodding to the guards. They lower their bows, and I relax a little bit.

"Yo-you may not believe me, but I'm not from here. This world is not my world." I say.

He frowns.

"Right, I uh I have proof! I can show you something your world doesn't have." I quickly say.

He stares at me before nodding. "Alright, show me this proof."

I nod, and open my bag, and pull out phone number 2. I walk to him, and turn it on. I show him the screen and he looks intrigued.

"This is a phone. It allows people to . . . communicate at long distances, listen to music, play games, and take pictures." I explain.

He stares at it, before holding out his hand. "May I?"

I nod and hand it to him.

He smiles slightly as he turns it to look at it from different angels. He then swipes the screen and changes what pages he's on.

He hands it back to me, and looks at me. "I believe you. May I ask. . . .how did you end up here?"

I freeze, before shaking my head. "I don't actually know that. I was in my tree house falling asleep, then I wake up and suddenly I'm here!"

He nods. "We shall stay with us. It's to cruel to leave you here alone. Come inside, I'll introduce you to my family. What is your name child?"

I smile and walk with him into Winterfell. "I'm YN Black. And you are?"

"Ned Stark, Lord of Winterfell." He days.

"Thank you Lord Stark." I say.

He smiles at me, before he waves his hand at people ahead.

I feel multiple eyes on me, but one on my face makes me look up. I see Bran on top of the tower, staring directly at me. I smile and wave at him, and he waves back shyly, before climbing down.

"Who's that?" I ask, pretending not to know everything about him.

"That would be my second born son, Brandon." He says.

I see Lady Stark or Catelyn Stark. Next to her are Robb Stark and Theon Greyjoy. Behind them are Sands and Arya Stark. And then Jon Snow is at the back.

I smile shyly at them.

"Who is this?" Lady Stark asks.

"This is YN Black. She is in a strange situation, and will be staying with us."  Ned says.

Catelyn gives Ned a look of, 'We'll talk later. Then she turns to me and smiles kindly.

"Hello YN, I'm Catelyn Stark, the Lady of Winterfell." She says.

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