F I F T Y - S I X

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I gasped for air, clutching at my chest until my lungs were satisfied with enough precious oxygen.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked outloud, taking in my surroundings and noting an eerily quiet forest.

A forest that clearly wasn't surrounded by bloody heads, Hunters, and Wolves.

"Where..." I trailed off when all my memories flooded back to me

Particularly the one where I died

I died...



Oh God, I must be in heaven...

Or a really, really deceiving Hell

I stood, realizing that my once tattered and bloody clothes were replaced with a similar clean and white pair.

Not really sure why I needed the clean clothes since I'm dead but, Okay.

Suddenly, children's laughter sounded around me, echoing in the forest and calling to me on a level I didn't quite understand.


I ignored my horrid thoughts and made my way towards the children's laughter.

As soon as I saw the scene playing out in front of me, I stopped dead in my tracks.

"You guys are ruining the flowers!" a ten year old Taylor whined

A ten year old Ethan laughed as he continued to wrestle with a girl with short pixie hair.


"Lighten up Tay" Ten year old me said as she punched Ethan's side "There are plenty of daisies here. It won't matter if we mess up a few"

"You heathens are messing up all of them!" she whined, picking up a couple of more flowers "I need some undamaged flowers to give to Mom as part of her present"

"Wait Wait Wait!" Ethan said, pushing ten-year old me down the hill "Mom's Birthday is today!"

Taylor smiled smugly at him "Why do you think I brought you two bozos out here? As company?" She snorted"As if"

Ten year old me snickered

I smiled

"Wow E, how did you forget your own Mom's birthday?"

"Does Kaden know?" Ethan ignored her

Taylor nodded, giving us a mischievous grin

"He's out with Sky, picking up her present"

"I am so never living this down!" Ethan groaned "I'll hear about this for the rest of my life!!"

"Ain't that the truth!" "Taylor laughed "I love having a Latina mother"

Suddenly the scene before me shifted to the time where the three of us broke out Nanny Matthews from her retirement home when we were sixteen.

"You two ready?" Ethan asked

"Are you?" I heard myself taunt back

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