Chapter 5

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Carmina Motel


Lucia was escorted past the house and towards one of the barns. She’d been out here before to trade with the Paradisers, but she’d never been inside the buildings. It was late evening now, it wouldn’t even be safe for her to leave but she didn’t know if they’d let her stay.
She didn’t say a word as her escort took her to the barn, the double doors were already wide open, but she was surprised to find it full of people. They looked ready for war, guns strapped to their backs, faces hardened. They were in the middle of a heated conversation that seemed more intent on rallying everyone than fighting each other.
It took only a few seconds for her escort to grab the attention of the others and they fell silent as they realized they had a visitor as her escort added, “She claims she knows about Sky.”
“Lucia,” Garret said her name first and pushed through the group.
“Hi Garret.” She said quietly, a little intimidated by the crowd. Paradise Ranch was a large community, much like her own, but they were different than her people. All of them were hardy, not just a select few. Plenty of her people never left the walls of Carmina, but almost all of the people in Paradise did. They were trained for it.
It was something she admired about the Paradisers, and she’d always enjoyed trade with them, but seeing them in war mode, not counting when they’d rescued her people, she was a little nervous. She shouldn’t have been. She considered Garret and Sky good friends despite the fact that they were in different communities. That was part of the reason why she was here, also why she knew beforehand that it was Sky that was taken. She knew some of their history, they knew some of hers.
“Matteo and a group saw what happened on the bridge. I was worried it might’ve been Sky that was taken but…” she flicked her eyes around the room and saw Mason coming in closer. “I saw a flare go up.”
“From where?”
“Neon’s Gate.”
Garret scowled and looked towards Mason. They all knew it was too coincidental. After the war with the True Survivors, all of the neighboring communities had come together and been better for it, and they’d put a sort of safety net in place. In times of desperate need, each community had a flare gun they could use. The only other time they were supposed to use it was if the True Survivors arrived.
Neon had promised them the only time he would ever shoot off his flare was if the True Survivors were back. He never intended to ask anyone for help outside of his own people but he would warn them of that.
Knowing the True Survivors were back and having the flare go off was too coincidental.
“They could still be there.” Abel spoke up and she was relieved to see that the ex-True Survivor was still here. Matteo would’ve never let someone like Abel into their community, but Mason stuck to his guns that Abel was deserving of their forgiveness.
“What are you saying?”
“We meet them there. If we show up, Neon might help.”
“The bridge is blocked.” Garret stated.
“It’s blocked?” Lucia felt her mouth gape open. Garret nodded, but craned his head as if he was looking behind her. “It’s just me, Garret.”
“You came alone?”
“Matteo is freaking out. He has people to protect, he’s closing our gates, but I consider you and Sky friends. I had to know and offer whatever help I can.”
He considered her for a long moment before he sighed and motioned her deeper inside. “Come on in.” He led her in deeper and she didn’t fail to notice that there were several constructed beds with curtains for privacy. She couldn’t say she disagreed with the arrangements, but she was glad she had a motel room with some semblance of daily privacy. “The bridge is an ambush zone for the True Survivors now. They cornered us there. Twenty against six. We didn’t stand a chance.”
“Are you going around or taking the ferry then?”
“We’ll use the Fishermen, maybe even convince some of them to put their land legs on and help us out.”
“Whatever plan you come up with, I want to be a part of it.” She said. “I’ll go back to Carmina and gather as many people as I can. When are you guys leaving?”
“After we get everything settled, tonight.”
“It’s dangerous after dark.”
“Sky’s in danger.” Garret said, his voice almost nonchalant, but just at the edge of it, she could hear the restrained anger. This was a man on a mission for the woman he loved. If things went wrong, she wasn’t sure Garret would come back alive. That thought struck her hard, but no matter what, Lucia believed in this. She believed that Matteo needed to help more people outside of Carmina, not just because of their debt but because of their friendship. They survived better when they created tight bonds with other communities.
“I’ll come with you to Carmina,” a woman spoke up. Lucia didn’t know her, but she had a bright yellow shirt and sharp eyes. “Someone ought to make sure you get back home safely.”
“No offense, but two isn’t much better than one.”
“I won’t take offense to that because you don’t know me.” She smirked and swung her rifle off her back. “You see this beauty? This is Darilla, and Darilla can shoot a zombie in the eye at 500 yards. In case you don’t know, that’s a lot.” She winked. “Any number of these people will tell you, one of me is like ten of everyone else. If I got your back, you’ll get home safe.”
Lucia almost laughed at the playful demeanor that Shakasta used, but the serious nods in the room made her realize she was beyond serious. “I trust you then.” She agreed.
“Good, because we’re going to need Carmina’s help to make this work.”
“Mason!” The woman that had escorted her in earlier came running in. “We just saw a flare go up, maybe from Neon’s Gate.”
She looked up nervously and Mason stroked his beard, “Two flares from Neon? Garret, we need to move, they’re still there and Neon’s in trouble.”
Garret wheeled and grabbed her shoulders, “Can you get your people to Neon’s Gate?”
“I don’t know but I’ll do my best.” Lucia told him honestly.
“Go, get them there. We came in and saved you last time, we might need you this time. Please.”
“I’ll get them there, Garret, I swear.”

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