Chapter 37-Oops

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"How in the hell did you get in here?" 

Looking up I saw a boy dressed in Slytherin robes, Oops, looking around I discovered that I was in one of the Slytherin dorm rooms.

Looking at the boy more closely I discovered, that I in fact did know him.  He was Draco Malfoy, that one who was all about tradition(and he is fun to tease.)

"How do you think I got in here?"  I replied a snarky smirk spread across my face.

"I don't know, that why I asked you, Mr. Work."  Draco was fast to reply.

"I thought I told you to call me Danny, Draco."

"Fine, DANNY, why are you here?"

"I apporated to the wrong place."

"You're not supposed to be able to apporate on Hogwart's grounds."

"Says who?"

"Says everyone."

"Have you ever tried?"


"Anyway, I'll be going."  I stod up to 'apparate' out of the room but Draco grabbed my wrist before I realized it and I accidentally 'apparated' him with me to my dorm.

"That was the best aparation experience I have ever had."  

Looking down I realized what had happened and face palmed before inviting him to sit down with me in my common room.  "So why did you grab me?"

"I was curious where you were going."

"So do you want any thing to drink?"  I offered already sending magic into my kitchen to set the kettle full of water, put it on the stove and turn it on.

"How are you going to get my drink for me?" Draco asked before noticing the kitchen located behind him.

"The kitchen."  I replied although my response was totally unnecessary.  "So do you have anything you need ask me?"

"Not any pressing matters, but I'd love for more information on what you talked about at the party."

"Oh, the party?"

"No, what I'm curious of is why you are setting it up."

"I can see that some one is smart."

"So, care to share your reasons?"

"Only if you can promise to keep a secret and not speak of this to anyone."

"Deal, so spill."

"I want to be able to hang out with fellow students my age, get along with them and be able to work together and play together."

"Is that all?"

"No, but that's all I'll tell you for now."

"Fair enough, but I'll want answers eventually."

"Everyone always does."

"So how are you even going to get your little group set up."

"I've been thinking, so I have a few ideas.

"Care to share?"

"Share what?"

"Like, who all will be invited to be in your group?"

"Just a select few that I come to like from the first and second years, not everyone will fit in the room anyway."

"So you have already picked a location?"

"Yes, it is on the third floor."

"What kind of activities will we do?"

"Who even said that you were going to be invited?"

"I just did, so spill."

"Fair enough.  It'll mostly be games, parties, study groups, dances, that kind of thing with the occional project for us all to work on."

"When do you plan on opening it, the coins are still blank after all.  I am assuming that is how you'll reach out to those select few."  Draco said and took out his coin as the finished tea placed it self in front of us pouring us both a cup.

"That would be correct, but as I am struggling in finding another time in which everyone from all the houses can attend its opening that it not past curfew and then regually meeting because I am not in any houses and don't want to draw anymore attention to myself than necessary. before hand."

"I see, maybe you could put together a planning committee with a member from each house participating that way you could get info on each house, and say that it is for working out the next party, so that they can meet up and everyon learn the dance so that it goes smoother next time."

"That works."

 "Well I'm on the committee, right?"

"Why would you be on the committee?"

"Becuase I came up with the idea for it."

"Well, I guess you have a point, you are now offically on the committee."

"Yes, the noble house of the Malfoys need to be in on all rising important events."

"Sure, sure.  I now have to decide who else to put on it.  Any ideas?"

"Well, I don't really converse with anyone out side of my house except for the occasinal Reavenclaw whom I bother for finding the best books, so I'm useless to you there."

"Well, it was worth a shot."

"I look forward to helping you with our new project."

"Me too."  I smirk, finishing my tea, "Shall I see you out, as I now have some business to attend to."

"Alright."  Draco replied standing up and brushing off his robe.

Showing him through the wall (AN: I almost put door here... oops)

"What, so this is where your dorm is?!?"

"Yup.  Surpirsed?"

"Yea, all the other dorm rooms are guarded by portraits from what I've heard."

"Oh word of advice before we part ways, be careful what you way around the portraits, they could and prabably are being used as an information network."

"I never though about it that way, or that people might actually use them that way."

"Alright see you."

"I'll see you later."

We parted ways and I went on my way, ignorent to the fact that I had somehow made Draco Malfoy have a genuine smile for the first time in many years.

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