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Apparently on the car ride home, she must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew, she was being lifted into the air by Orion, who was speaking to the driver, thanking him for his time.

She never thought about the reason why he had a driver. Who did he think he was?

Despite being awake, she kept her eyes shut, just listening to her surroundings. If she opened her eyes, it would just make for a very awkward encounter.

From what she could hear and feel, the sun was out. Orion was right about it being freezing cold, but she enjoyed it. The slightly biting cold combined with the subtle warmth of the sun was something she felt she could bask in for days.

There were so many different smells, she was very tempted to open her eyes and see where they were coming from, but still, she kept them shut.

She heard a lot of bustling around and voices everywhere. A few people gave a short greeting to Orion calling him "sir" and Orion gave a curt nod or greeting back in their direction.

There were a lot of whispers of "Is that her?" or "I think that's her." And it made her slightly uncomfortable to be "asleep" while she was being silently marveled at by the people Orion walked past.

She shifted ever so slightly and pressed into Orion's neck, resting there. He smelled...well, alpha-y. Whatever it was, oddly enough, he smelled good to her. She didn't know what it was about him but her wolf was elated. By good logic, which omega female wouldn't be? She had an alpha male that basically belonged to her already. He took care of her so far, and her wolf didn't want to ever leave. But she was stronger than her wolf. She hated that she was there and she didn't want to stay.

She heard a door creak open and then felt Orion step inside. He laid her down on the bed and took her shoes off. More footsteps trailed into the room and stopped. "Orion?"

Orion stopped what he was doing and turned to face the doorway. "Max. How's it going?" He smiled kindly at the servant in front of him and walked towards her to give her a tight hug.

The red-headed servant girl hugged him tightly. "Things are going okay. How is she?"

He let out a hefty sigh, his hand reaching back to rub his neck. "Physically, fine. Emotionally..." He shrugged. "She's been ripped away from her home. She isn't doing too well."

She nodded. "It's understandable. You requested my presence?"

Orion nodded, his features brightening up. "Um, yes, I wanted you to keep an eye on her. I think you would be the best person to help her adjust. Do what you normally do, but just be a friend to her as well. I can't imagine how hard it is for her, and I'll be working a lot. I don't want her to be alone."

Lorena, who was continuing to "sleep", felt her heart grow a few sizes. He actually cared a lot about her. It didn't change the way she felt towards him and the situation, but she acknowledged it.

"Anyways, I'm going to see my father and then get some work done. When she wakes, show her around, but don't let her wander, please."

"Of course not. Just let me know if you need anything else. She's in good hands, though."

Orion grinned. "The best hands," he patted her on the shoulder as he leaned down to give her a quick peck on the cheek.

Orion left the room and Lorena relaxed a little. She heard quick and light footsteps walking around the room, tidying up and making sure things were in order before heading towards the bathroom.

Lorena was tired of using her ears to observe everything and she slightly opened one eye to see a dark-skinned girl with red hair drawing her a bath. She stared at the basket of oils and soaps in curiosity, and decided that it was time to drop the act.

She turned over and slowly sat up, stretching herself before swinging her legs to one side of the bed and standing up.

The ruffling of the sheets caught the girl's attention and she stopped what she was doing, folding her hands and nodding to her. "Ma'am."

Lorena looked around in awe and made her way towards the bathroom. "Hi. I'm Lorena..."

The girl smiled warmly. "I'm Max. I'm your personal assistant, if you will."

Lorena sighed and pursed her lips together. "You're too pretty to be a maid."

Max shrugged. "Good thing I'm not the maid then, huh?" She smirked and returned to what she was doing.

Lorena frowned. "Where's Orion?"

"Working. He will be back to tend to you in a few hours. For now, let's just get you cleaned up, okay?"

Lorena nodded. "Okay, but why do I need an assistant? I can take care of myself."

"Orion insisted. Now please remove your clothes and step in."

She decided she didn't like Max much. She was mad that another woman was surveilling her and she was irritated that Orion had gotten her a babysitter.

She scowled and slowly began to strip her clothes off, stepping into the hot water afterwards. She glared up at Max and the woman nodded in approval. "Good."

Lorena watched her carefully as she placed the basket of soaps on a table next to the tub. Lorena quickly looked inside, selecting a combination of milk and honey soap and oil set.

Max came back with a cloth and placed it into the water to soak. She gently grabbed Lorena's selection out of her hands and poured a bit of soap into the cloth.

Max stood and exhaled deeply. "Stand up, please."

Lorena almost growled when she realized what was gonna happen. She crossed her arms over her chest in a protective manner. "No."

"Don't be childish, Lorena. This is my job and I intend to fulfill my duties. I don't wish to call for Orion when he's busy, but I will. He won't be pleased to hear that he has to deal with you instead. So..." Max crossed her arms, water dripping from the washcloth to the floor. "Stand, please."

"I can bathe myself!"

"And I never said that you were incapable."

They stared at each other until Lorena realized there was no point. They were either going to sit here like this until the water got cold, or Max was going to get Orion, and something told her he wasn't going to be so forgiving if he was interrupted in the middle of work.

She stood up and huffed as Max immediately grabbed her wrist and started scrubbing her down. She scowled. If she wasn't pissed at Orion already, she was pissed now. She was capable of bathing herself for cripe's sake.

After a long bath, Max drained the water and allowed her to step out. Lorena quickly found a towel and wrapped herself in it, walking towards the bed to sit down. She glared at Max as she cleaned up the bathroom, turned on the fan and shut the doors.

"Can I at least dress myself now?"

Max grinned at her sarcastically and left the room. "Call me if you need anything."

Lorena rolled her eyes. "That won't be necessary!" She jumped at the sound of the door slamming and growled.


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