Chapter 12

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"You've sure been awfully quiet. You alright champ?" Jason ask Damian who had been looking out the window sense they left.

Damian finally looked away and looked to Jason with a weirded out look, "champ? Really?"

Jason couldn't help but chuckle, "yeah I know. It just slipped out. Anyways you alright?" He ask

"I'm fine, just thinking." Damian mumbled.

"Hm, hey how about we go out for dinner?" Jason ask.

"Sure I guess it wouldn't hurt." Damian mumbled.

"Great! Where too kid?" Jason ask. Damian was silent. "Right! You don't know any places. That bitch Bruce Wayne never took you out. Don't worry kid! I'll choose a restaurant you'll like."

Damian nods ok and looks forward.

A few minutes later they arrived to Hard Rock.

"Decided this would be a nice place because you can look around at stuff and learn about these famous music people while you wait for your food." Jason says getting out of the car.

Damian only nods ok and gets out of the car himself. He walks with Jason into the restaurant. It wasn't that busy so they were called up quickly.

"One kids menu?" The waitress ask.

Damian glared at the woman. Before he could say anything Jason spoke, "no he would like an adult menu." He says.

The woman nods ok, "please follow me." She leads them to a table and hands them the menus when there before leaving.

Damian looked through the menu, "Are there any vegetarian options besides salads?" He ask Jason.

"Wait your a vegetarian?" Jason ask

"I've been one for awhile." Damian says.

"Well then good thing I didn't take you to McDonald's. Yeah, on page 6. They have wraps and stuff." Jason says.

Damian nods in and turns to the page.

"I can still eat a meat burger right?" Jason ask.

Damian nods without looking at him.

The waitress soon walked over ready to take their orders.

"I'll have a dark beer, a coke, and the legendary burger with fries." Your turn kid." Jason says

"I'll have a water and a cauliflower burger with fries" Damian says
((Cauliflower burgers don't have meat))

The waitress nods ok before walking away.

"So kid, while were waiting wanna go look around?" Jason ask.

Damian nods ok.

They stand up and go. Jason was explaining who some of the people were, like Michael Jackson, Judy Garland, and Marilyn Monroe. A bit later they return to their table and see their food and drinks waiting. They sit down and start eating.

"How is it kid?" Jason ask.

"Good, I like it" Damian says.

"Ooh! Damian Wayne actually like something! That's a shocker." Jason says.

"Hey. I like stuff." Damian mumbled acting offended.

"Oh uh....sorry...I uh...didn't mean it that way." Jason says.

"I'm kidding, I'm fine." Damian says.

Jason chuckled a bit. "Wow, So you do have a sense of humor. No offense."

Damian nods with a small smile.

They continue to eat and chat till they were done. Jason paid for the bill and they left. "What should we do now? Oh! Let's go to a arcade!" Jason says.

"Isn't that just a waist of time?" Damian ask.

"Don't be a buzz kill. Trust me it'll be fun." Jason says with a smile.

They drive to a arcade and go in. Jason pays for a card and they go to play games.

Jason follows Damian around letting him choose and play games. He would play right after him. They decided to play something together so they go to a race car game. The swooped the card for both machines and starts. They chose their vehicles and map and started racing. Damian easily got up to first right when the game started. Jason was 5th.

"How did you get up there that fast?!" Jason ask.

Damian only shrugs as he kept going.

Jason was only able to get up to third place for a while. "Aw come on!"

"Just hit the car out of the way or use boost, it's easy." Damian says.

"I do! And ever time I do he makes me crash! It's not fair!" Jason says.

Damian rolled his eyes at Jason's childish act.

At the last minute Jason got first. Only because he kept whining and Damian gave up and let him win.

He jumps up out of his seat, "hah! I win! In your face kid!" He says and does a little victory dance.

Damian rolled his eyes and got up. He left Jason to go find another game.

Jason didn't even notice till he was finished with his victory dance. "Hey! Wait up"

The rest of the night they played games and went home.

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