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Naruto's point of view

I open my eyes and look at where I sensed was Jiji's face. I used more of my chakra and found where his eyes were and looked directly to them. After a while I here him breathe in in surprise and that told me he probably realized just now.

H: "Wait! You can already use sensori? I thought the kyubui started training you just today."

N: "Yes he did. He said I am learning really fast. Is that why you're so surprised."

H: "Yes. Normally it takes a skilled ninja at least two weeks to learn how to sense other chakra signatures but I don't know if you did it on purpose or just guessed where my eyes are but you are looking directly to them."

N: "I know. I had to use a lot of chakra to sense them but now i can see the shape of your face in gray color and your chakra that goes trough chakra canals directly into your eyes in blue color. So basically I can see you although if I didn't remember how you look I couldn't really imagine you from the image I see now."

H: "So you already can use your chakra in close range for better image but can't see the different chakra natures. It takes at least month to learn that and you learned it in about 10 hours?"

N: "But it takes me a lot of chakra even to do the basic sensori since I can't really guess how much chakra to use so I am losing it quickly."

H: "Well with the enormous chakra you have it's no surprise you have problems concentrating it in the right amount. It's harder to concentrate chakra if you have lot of it than when you have less. But with enough training it will be easy and then you won't loose your chakra unnecessarily."

N: "Then when can I start training?"

H: "When you recover. And don't rush it. There's still one thing."

N: "hmm? What is ti grandpa?"

H: "Did you forget about your birthday? It's today and I would like to know what would you like as a present. I'll give you anything. Just ask."

N: ".  .  ." I sat there dumbfounded. Of course I know when my birthday is. The villagers reminded me of it every year and it is never been a good day for me. I probably stopped counting during the time... there so I would spare some nerves since this day was supposed to be... never mind. What surprised me was the thought that it is actually supposed to be a good day for me and it has never even crossed my mind. And he wants me to pick something. He always gives me toys but back then when I was in orphanage the caretakers would always take them from me and give them to the other children. I wasn't mad at them. At least the other children could play with them since no one would play with me anyway. But now that they kicked me out and Jiji bought me my own apartment I don't really want anything that could be bought. 

N: "I don't know. Can it wait until I recover. I don't really want anything right now and I am sure I will be able to thing of something till than."

H: "What ever makes you happy. I will wait no matter how much it may take so you could be happy."

N: "Thank you Jiji-san." I smiled at him as best as I could but it wasn't a real smile. Just like those I gave Kurama weren't but I still wanted to show them how much I appreciate them and they're efforts.

H: "Now Naruto. Would you like to rest or meet the ANBU that saved you."

N: "OF COURSE I WANT TO MEET THEM!... But... you promise you won't hurt the villagers?"

H: "ahhhhh. If you insist. But I can't do the same for the one who... Well he is probably already... ah. I-"

N: "Ok... I thought so. Please just don't talk about him ok?" I say looking down with eyes fully open.

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