Chapter 35

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(Play song when I say for the full affect)
↠ Alexandra Queen ↞

It's been a month now since I left. I've kept in touch with my mom and Edwin. I haven't contacted anyone since then. I haven't had the heart to. I caused them so much pain and I just can't bring myself to speak with them.

My mom has told me that Ryan had accidentally spilled to Elizabeth about me still being in contact with her. I know it's selfish to do this to them but it's to protect them. I don't want my pain to be pushed onto them anymore. I've had enough of people dealing with my pain.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was Mandy my friend. Ever since I started working in her fathers industry she has become my only friend. She remind me of Elizabeth when I first meet her. If they ever meet I know that they would become friends in a heartbeat.

I pick up the phone sighing knowing she was going to yell at me. You see I'm suppose to be on a date right now that she set me up for. I have told her that I'm not ready to be in a relationship. But as many times as I might tell her she doesn't listen.

I bring the phone to my ear ready to get it yelled at. "YOU STOOD HIM UP A?!" She yells knowing the answer to her question already.

"Mandy I've already told you, I'm not ready to be in a relationship. I'm not going on these ridiculous blind dates Mandy." I say firmly.

"I know Alex, I just want to see you happy." I could hear the pout in her voice.

"I know Mandy but, I don't need a man to make me happy. I'm perfectly happy as it is." I hear her groan at the other end making me laugh.

"Don't give me that same BS like always. I know you don't need a man to make you happy. But you do need d!ck in your life girl. So might as well take advantage of the hot guys I throw at you and fvck them. You can then dump them for all I care. Like they say, hump them and dump them." I laugh at her way of thinking.

"Just like I said, I don't need a man to make me happy. You know that there's a thing called sëx toys right?" I don't use them but I like being smart with her. She always gets annoyed when I one up her with my smart mouth.

"Alright but it isn't as satisfying as the real thing and you know it." She said with a pointed tone. Letting me know she won the argument. And as much as I hate to admit it, she's right. Nothing is good as the real thing.

"True but-" she interrupts me. "No buts missy, the only there is is yours. The butt that should be out of that ridiculous big apartment and in the real world getting some d!ck" I laugh.

"Don't think so Mandy" she groans annoyed at me again. "Alright how about this, we go to my father club tonight. Gets some drinks and maybe some d!ck for you. How does that sound?" I shake my head at her determination.

"What's in it for you?" I ask curious.

"To finally see a smile like you mean it. Come on Alexandra, you can't say no." I didn't even have to be in front of her to know she was giving me the puppy dog eyes. Damn do I hate those. When I do it it's fine but not when someone does it to me.

"I hate that we aren't face to face and I already know that you have those puppy dog eyes." She chuckled. "So what do you say? Yes?" I sigh giving into her offer.

The Girl and Her Breaking Heart #1 || ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin