Less Than

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You hated him. You hated that he saw you as weak, unworthy, a mere servant; less than a servant. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat that seemed to always manifest when one of the god-like men were around. They'd slaughtered so many, always in sight of the other "servants", reminding you all of your place in their world. The one currently towering over your seated form was the leader, Lord Kars, blood dripping off his arms. You weren't going to ask whose blood nor question what happened; you already knew. He was the more ruthless of the three from what you've observed, the others showing a small fraction of emotion occasionally. Not Kars though. Lord Kars cared only for absolute power, and slaying any who dared get in the way of his goal. He was especially cruel to the small group of humans that resided within their dwelling only for menial tasks deemed beneath the Pillar Men, and for their occasional amusement.

You lifted your eyes up, not meeting his gaze out of submissiveness, instead looking to the side of him. Once, while in a fowl mood, Kars had ran his blade through one of the other servants, the crime: looking him in his eyes, as if they was his equal. You ignored your fight or flight senses, biting your lip out of fear. You'd been living this nightmare for two weeks or so, it was hard to keep track, and so far you'd been left well enough alone, trying to blend in and stay in groups as to not be singled out. It worked, until now.

"Come." He grabbed you by your plain cotton tunic, roughly hauling you up on your feet. You bit down on your lip to keep from crying out in fear, stumbling to catch your balance from the sudden change of going from sitting to standing. You didn't need to be looking at him to know he had a cruel smirk on his face as he looked down upon you both physically and status-wise. "I require a bath." He said, flicking blood from his fingertips onto your tunic, not that it mattered, as when he grabbed you it left a large bloodstain from his hand onto the collar of the rough fabric. He led the way through the torch lit hallway, much too proud to walk behind you, as the two of you made your way to his chambers. You'd been in his bed chambers before to clean, never when he was around though. Why would he want a peasant around him in his room? Then again why would he want one around now? It was all just a game to him. See how much you'd take before you'd end up breaking, mentally or physically, it didn't matter. You'd managed to convince yourself that you had accepted the fact that you would likely die here, and that you could only hope you'd find peace once you'd been slain.

You followed him through the bedroom and in to the lavish stone bathroom, a large deep stone basin taking up the majority of said room. Truth be told, you'd never bathed anyone before, but you assumed it was just like bathing yourself. You stepped over to the large tub, which had a small inset shelf lined with various oils, soaps, perfumes, and hair products. Envy came over you as you thought of the small bucket and scrub brush you shared amongst the other humans. You couldn't recall the last time you'd had a real bath. You brushed away the memories of your old life as you turned on the tap, sitting on the edge as you let the water run over you hand, testing the temperature. You could see Kars' muscular figure out of the corner of your eye, removing the bracers that adorned his arms, having already removed his leg armor. You moved your head slightly so he was no longer in your view as you curiously picked up one of the glass bottles from the shelf. Rose oil. You opened the bottle, immediately catching the scent in your nose. Rose was such a nice scent; too nice for Kars. You put the bottle back as you noticed the tub was nearly full, turning the water off. You stood up from the edge of the tub, and turned to face Lord Kars, looking down at his feet.

You watched his feet approach you, your eyes shifting up and to the side. He stopped before you, his regal mane of deep purple hair now free from it's wrap, curling wildly around him. He bent down to your level, almost daring you to look at his crimson eyes. You stood firm, not looking at him, but your heart was beating so rapidly it almost hurt.

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